Head-to-Head: urql vs Vue Apollo Analysis


v4.1.0(4 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 2Monthly npm downloads

Urql is a lightweight and versatile GraphQL client for React applications. It offers a simple and intuitive API for fetching and managing GraphQL data, with built-in caching and automatic updates. Urql focuses on performance and efficiency, providing features like automatic batching and deduplication of requests to minimize network traffic. It also supports server-side rendering and integrates seamlessly with popular state management libraries like Redux and MobX.


Tags: graphqlclientreactperformancecaching


v3.1.2(8 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 3Monthly npm downloads

Vue Apollo is a comprehensive integration of Apollo Client with Vue.js, allowing developers to easily manage GraphQL data in their Vue applications. It provides a set of Vue components and helpers that simplify the process of fetching and managing data from a GraphQL server. Vue Apollo seamlessly integrates with Vue's reactivity system, making it easy to update components when data changes.


Tags: vue.jsgraphqldata-managementreactivityintegration



Both urql and vue-apollo are popular npm packages in their respective ecosystems. urql is a GraphQL client library for React, while vue-apollo is a GraphQL integration for Vue.js. The popularity of each package depends on the framework and community it is associated with.


urql is specifically designed for React and provides a seamless integration with React applications. It leverages React's component model and hooks to provide a smooth GraphQL experience. On the other hand, vue-apollo is tailored for Vue.js and offers a similar integration with Vue components and the Vue ecosystem.

API and Features

Both urql and vue-apollo provide similar functionality in terms of querying, caching, and mutations. They both support features like caching, optimistic updates, and subscriptions. However, the APIs and syntax differ due to the differences in the underlying frameworks (React vs Vue.js). Developers familiar with React may find urql's API more intuitive, while those working with Vue.js may prefer vue-apollo's API.

Community and Ecosystem

React has a larger and more mature ecosystem compared to Vue.js, which means that urql benefits from a larger community and more resources. There are more plugins, extensions, and community support available for React and urql. However, vue-apollo has a dedicated community within the Vue.js ecosystem and is well-supported by the Vue.js core team.


Both urql and vue-apollo are designed to be performant and efficient. They provide mechanisms for caching and optimizing GraphQL queries. However, the actual performance may vary depending on the specific use case and implementation. It is recommended to benchmark and test the performance of each package in the context of your application.

Learning Curve

urql and vue-apollo have their own learning curves based on the underlying frameworks. If you are already familiar with React, using urql will be relatively easier. Similarly, if you are already experienced with Vue.js, vue-apollo will be more straightforward. Consider your existing knowledge and the needs of your project when choosing between the two.