Head-to-Head: Semantic UI vs Tachyons Analysis


v2.5.0(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/semantic-uiNumber of direct dependencies: 33Monthly npm downloads

Semantic UI is a modern front-end development framework that provides a sleek and intuitive user interface design. It offers a wide range of UI components, such as buttons, forms, grids, and modals, with a focus on responsive design and accessibility. Semantic UI's modular structure allows for easy customization and theming, making it suitable for creating visually appealing and user-friendly web applications.


Tags: front-endUI frameworkresponsive designaccessibilitycustomization


v4.12.0(over 4 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Tachyons is a functional CSS framework that focuses on creating fast, responsive, and scalable user interfaces. It provides a set of atomic CSS classes that can be easily combined to style elements without writing custom CSS. Tachyons promotes a mobile-first approach and encourages a modular design system, allowing for quick prototyping and consistent styling across projects.


Tags: cssframeworkresponsiveatomic-classesmodular



Both Semantic UI and Tachyons are popular CSS frameworks, but Semantic UI has a larger community and is more widely used. It has been around for longer and has gained a strong following in the web development community.

Design and Styling

Semantic UI focuses on providing a comprehensive set of pre-designed components and a semantic naming convention for classes. It offers a more opinionated and visually appealing design out of the box. Tachyons, on the other hand, follows a functional CSS approach and provides a minimalistic set of utility classes. It allows for more flexibility and customization but requires more effort to achieve a polished design.


Semantic UI provides a wide range of customization options, allowing developers to easily modify the appearance and behavior of components. It has a theming system that enables the creation of custom themes. Tachyons, on the other hand, encourages a more modular and composable approach, where developers can combine utility classes to create custom styles. It provides a smaller set of predefined styles and focuses on simplicity and reusability.


Tachyons is known for its lightweight nature and minimal CSS footprint. It promotes writing efficient and optimized CSS by using small utility classes. Semantic UI, on the other hand, has a larger CSS file size due to its extensive set of pre-designed components. However, the impact on performance may vary depending on the specific usage and optimization techniques applied.

Integration with JavaScript Frameworks

Both Semantic UI and Tachyons can be used with various JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js. Semantic UI provides official integrations and components for popular frameworks, making it easier to use. Tachyons, being a utility-first framework, can be seamlessly integrated into any JavaScript framework without any specific dependencies.

Learning Curve

Semantic UI has a steeper learning curve due to its extensive set of components and customization options. It may take some time to understand its class naming conventions and utilize its full potential. Tachyons, on the other hand, has a relatively low learning curve as it focuses on a functional CSS approach and provides a smaller set of utility classes.