Head-to-Head: rest-hooks vs Zustand Analysis


v7.0.17(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 3Monthly npm downloads

Rest-hooks is a powerful data fetching and caching library for React applications. It simplifies the process of managing API requests and responses by providing a declarative and efficient way to interact with RESTful APIs. Rest-hooks offers features like automatic caching, normalization of API responses, and smart invalidation strategies, improving the performance and user experience of your application.


Tags: reactdata-fetchingcachingRESTful-APIReact Query


v5.0.0(4 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Zustand is a small, fast, and scalable state management library for React applications. It provides a simple and intuitive API for managing global state in a React component tree without the need for complex setups like Redux or MobX. Zustand leverages React hooks and context to offer a lightweight yet powerful solution for state management.


Tags: reactstate-managementhookscontextscalable



Rest-hooks and Zustand are both popular npm packages, but they serve different purposes, so comparing their popularity might not provide a clear indication of which one to choose. Rest-hooks is a library specifically designed for data fetching and caching in React applications, while Zustand is a state management library for React.


Rest-hooks provides a powerful solution for managing and caching remote data in React applications. It allows you to declare and use data models that handle API calls, caching, and updates. Zustand, on the other hand, focuses on state management and provides a simple and lightweight API for managing application state in a centralized store. It offers a similar functionality to Redux but with a more minimalistic approach.

Developer Experience

Both Rest-hooks and Zustand provide good developer experiences. Rest-hooks has a declarative API that integrates well with React, making it easy to fetch and consume data. It also provides features like caching, invalidation, and auto-updates. Zustand offers a hook-based API that allows for managing state in a simple and intuitive way, without the need for complex setup or additional dependencies.


Rest-hooks can be integrated with any React application, regardless of the state management approach used. It can work alongside libraries like Redux or Zustand, or even with vanilla React. On the other hand, Zustand is a standalone state management solution, and while it can be used with other data fetching libraries like Axios or Fetch, it does not have built-in features specifically designed for data caching like Rest-hooks.


Rest-hooks provides a scalable data fetching solution with built-in caching, which can greatly improve the performance and user experience of an application. It is well-suited for applications that deal with a large amount of data and where efficient caching and synchronization of data updates are important. Zustand, on the other hand, is a lightweight state management library that can handle medium-sized applications with ease. For larger applications with complex state management needs, Zustand might require additional patterns and tweaks to maintain scalability.

Community and Maintenance

Both Rest-hooks and Zustand have active communities and are actively maintained. Rest-hooks is maintained by a dedicated team and has a growing community of users. Zustand is also maintained by a small team and has gained popularity for its simplicity and performance. It's important to consider the level of community support and ongoing maintenance when choosing between the two.