Recoil is a state management library for React applications developed by Facebook. It provides a simple and efficient way to manage global state in complex React applications, offering features like atoms, selectors, and asynchronous data fetching. Recoil leverages React's built-in features like hooks and context to provide a flexible and scalable state management solution.
Valtio is a minimal and standalone state management library for React applications. It provides a simple API for creating and managing reactive global state without the need for complex setup or boilerplate code. Valtio leverages ES6 Proxies to automatically track state changes and trigger re-renders in components that depend on the state.
Recoil is a state management library specifically designed for React applications, providing features like atoms, selectors, and the ability to manage global state. Valtio, on the other hand, is a minimalist and standalone state management library that can be used with any JavaScript framework, not just React.
Recoil is optimized for performance and is designed to work efficiently with React's rendering system. Valtio is also known for its performance due to its minimalist design and efficient reactivity system.
Developer Experience
Recoil provides a set of tools and utilities specifically tailored for React developers, making it easier to manage and share state in complex React applications. Valtio, being a standalone library, offers a simple and intuitive API that is easy to use and understand.
Community and Ecosystem
Recoil is developed and maintained by Facebook, which gives it a strong backing and support from the React community. It has a growing ecosystem of extensions and plugins. Valtio, while not as widely known, has a dedicated community and is actively maintained by its creators.
Recoil is well-suited for large-scale applications with complex state management needs, providing tools like selectors for derived state and asynchronous data fetching. Valtio, being lightweight and flexible, can also scale well for smaller to medium-sized applications.