Head-to-Head: React Virtualized Select vs Select2 Analysis


v3.1.3(over 6 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/react-virtualized-selectNumber of direct dependencies: 4Monthly npm downloads

Drop-down menu for React with windowing to support large numbers of options.


v4.1.0-rc.0(over 3 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/select2Number of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Select2 is a jQuery-based replacement for select boxes. It offers a customizable and feature-rich dropdown select box that provides enhanced user experience for selecting options from a list. Select2 supports searching, tagging, infinite scrolling, remote data loading, and various customization options to tailor the select box to specific needs.


Tags: jqueryselect-boxdropdownuser-experiencecustomization



Both React-Virtualized-Select and Select2 are popular npm packages, but React-Virtualized-Select specifically caters to React developers while Select2 is more of a general-purpose jQuery plugin. React-Virtualized-Select has gained popularity due to its integration with React ecosystem and its ability to handle large datasets efficiently.


React-Virtualized-Select is designed to handle large datasets efficiently by utilizing virtualization techniques. It renders only the visible items, which improves performance and allows seamless scrolling. Select2, on the other hand, does not have built-in virtualization and may face performance issues when dealing with large datasets.

Integration with React

React-Virtualized-Select is specifically designed for React applications. It provides seamless integration with React components and follows React's component lifecycle. Select2 is a jQuery plugin that can be used with React, but it requires additional configuration and may not fit naturally into React's component architecture.

Customization and Styling

Select2 provides extensive customization options, allowing developers to style and customize the appearance of the select component. It provides various themes and allows customizing the dropdown behavior. React-Virtualized-Select also allows some level of customization, but it may have limited options compared to Select2.

Community and Support

React-Virtualized-Select benefits from the vibrant React community and has active maintainers, ensuring regular updates and support. Select2 has been around for a longer time and has a stable community, but it may not have the same level of React-specific resources and community support as React-Virtualized-Select.


React-Virtualized-Select is built on top of React and leverages its ecosystem. It has minimal dependencies and is lightweight. Select2, being a jQuery plugin, has a larger dependency stack and requires jQuery as a dependency.