Head-to-Head: react-datetime vs Reactstrap Analysis


v3.2.0(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

React-Datetime is a versatile and user-friendly date and time picker component for React applications. It provides a customizable and interactive interface for selecting dates and times, with support for various date formats, timezones, and localization. React-Datetime offers features like date range selection, disabled dates, and time constraints, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases.


Tags: reactdate-pickertime-pickercomponentuser-interface


v9.2.2(6 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 6Monthly npm downloads

Reactstrap is a popular library that provides Bootstrap components as React components, allowing developers to easily create responsive and mobile-friendly user interfaces in React applications. It simplifies the process of building UIs by offering a wide range of pre-built components like modals, navbars, forms, and more, all styled with Bootstrap CSS.


Tags: reactbootstrapcomponentsresponsiveUI



React-Datetime and Reactstrap are both popular npm packages within the React ecosystem. React-Datetime is specifically focused on providing a date and time picker component, while Reactstrap is a library that provides a set of Bootstrap-based React components. Both packages have a significant number of downloads and active users.


React-Datetime is designed to handle date and time input, providing a customizable and user-friendly date picker component. It offers various features such as date formatting, time selection, and localization support. Reactstrap, on the other hand, provides a wide range of reusable UI components based on Bootstrap, including forms, buttons, modals, and more. It is a comprehensive library for building responsive and visually appealing user interfaces.


React-Datetime can be easily integrated into any React project, allowing developers to control the appearance and behavior of the date picker component. Reactstrap, being a Bootstrap-based library, seamlessly integrates with existing Bootstrap themes and styles. It provides a set of React components that follow the Bootstrap design principles, making it straightforward to create consistent and responsive UIs.


React-Datetime offers a high level of customization, allowing developers to modify the appearance and behavior of the date picker component to suit their specific needs. It provides various configuration options and event hooks for handling user interactions. Reactstrap, on the other hand, provides pre-styled components that can be customized using CSS classes and inline styles. It offers flexibility in terms of layout and styling, but may require additional CSS customization for more specific design requirements.


Both React-Datetime and Reactstrap have well-documented APIs and usage guides. React-Datetime provides clear examples and explanations for its various features and customization options. Reactstrap also offers comprehensive documentation, including examples and code snippets for each component. Both packages have active communities and provide support through GitHub repositories and online forums.


React-Datetime has minimal dependencies and does not rely on any external libraries. Reactstrap, on the other hand, depends on Bootstrap CSS and requires the Bootstrap CSS file to be included in the project. This may increase the overall bundle size if the project is not already using Bootstrap. However, Reactstrap provides the advantage of leveraging the extensive styling and responsive layout capabilities of Bootstrap.