Head-to-Head: react-datetime vs React Desktop Analysis


v3.2.0(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

React-Datetime is a versatile and user-friendly date and time picker component for React applications. It provides a customizable and interactive interface for selecting dates and times, with support for various date formats, timezones, and localization. React-Datetime offers features like date range selection, disabled dates, and time constraints, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases.


Tags: reactdate-pickertime-pickercomponentuser-interface


v0.3.9(over 5 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

React-Desktop is a library that enables developers to create cross-platform desktop applications using React. It provides components and APIs for building native-like desktop interfaces with React, allowing developers to leverage their existing React skills for desktop app development. React-Desktop offers features like window management, system tray integration, and native menus, making it suitable for building desktop applications that look and feel like native apps.


Tags: reactdesktopcross-platformnativecomponents



React-datetime is a popular and widely used package, specifically designed for handling date and time inputs in React applications. React-desktop, on the other hand, is a niche package that provides a set of macOS-inspired UI components for building desktop applications with React. While both packages have their own popularity within their respective domains, they cater to different use cases and target different audiences.


React-datetime focuses solely on providing a comprehensive set of datetime-related functionality. It offers various options for datetime picking, formatting, validation, localization, and more. React-desktop, on the other hand, focuses on providing a library of UI components that mimics the macOS desktop experience, such as windows, menus, buttons, and system notifications. The functionality of these packages is different and serves different purposes.


React-datetime is designed to work seamlessly with React and can be easily integrated into React projects. It supports both controlled and uncontrolled components and works well with other React libraries. React-desktop, on the other hand, is specifically tailored for creating desktop applications and may have compatibility limitations if used in web or mobile-based React projects. It relies on CSS styling and macOS-specific features and may not be suitable for all project types.

Documentation and Support

React-datetime has a well-maintained and comprehensive documentation that provides clear usage instructions, examples, and API references. It also has an active open-source community and support available. React-desktop, although lesser-known and less popular, also has decent documentation but may not have as extensive community support as React-datetime due to its niche focus.


React-datetime provides a high degree of customization options for styling and behavior. It allows you to modify the appearance and functionality of the datetime picker to fit your specific requirements. React-desktop, on the other hand, offers a pre-defined macOS-inspired UI style, limiting the extent to which components can be customized. It is more suitable if you require a macOS-like look and feel out of the box.


Both packages, React-datetime and React-desktop, can scale with your application needs. However, React-datetime is more versatile and can be easily integrated into projects of any scale, whether small or large. React-desktop, being more specialized in desktop application development, may be better suited for smaller to medium-sized projects that require a macOS-like UI experience.