OW is a flexible and composable validation library for JavaScript and TypeScript. It provides a simple and expressive API for defining validation rules and ensuring the correctness of data structures. OW allows you to create custom validation functions, compose multiple rules, and handle complex validation scenarios with ease. It supports various data types, including primitives, arrays, objects, and more.
Yup is a JavaScript schema builder for value parsing and validation. It provides a simple and intuitive way to define schemas for validating data shapes and types. With Yup, you can easily create validation rules for objects, arrays, strings, numbers, and more, making it ideal for form validation and data sanitization.
Both 'ow' and 'yup' are popular npm packages in the JavaScript community. 'ow' is known for its simplicity and lightweight nature, while 'yup' is widely used for form validation in popular frameworks like React.
'ow' is a runtime type checking library that provides a simple and expressive API for validating input data. It focuses on providing a minimalistic and intuitive syntax for defining type constraints. 'yup', on the other hand, is a schema validation library specifically designed for form validation. It offers a rich set of validation rules and supports complex validation scenarios.
Developer Experience
Both libraries have good developer experience. 'ow' provides a clean and readable syntax for defining type constraints, making it easy to understand and maintain. 'yup' offers a declarative API for defining validation schemas, which is especially useful for form validation. It also integrates well with popular frameworks like React, making it a popular choice for form validation in those ecosystems.
'ow' can be used in any JavaScript project and has no specific dependencies. It is lightweight and can be easily integrated into existing codebases. 'yup' is commonly used in conjunction with form libraries like Formik and React Hook Form, providing seamless integration for form validation.
Community Support
'ow' has a smaller but active community. It is actively maintained and has regular updates. 'yup' has a larger community and is widely adopted in the React ecosystem. It has extensive documentation and community support, making it easier to find resources and solutions to common problems.