Head-to-Head: MaterializeCSS vs Windi CSS Analysis


v1.0.0(about 6 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/materialize-cssNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Materialize CSS is a modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design principles. It provides a clean and intuitive user interface with ready-to-use components like buttons, forms, cards, and navigation elements. Materialize CSS offers a grid system for easy layout structuring and supports customization through Sass variables and mixins.


Tags: cssframeworkresponsivematerial-designcomponents


v3.5.6(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Windicss is a utility-first CSS framework that aims to optimize your CSS by generating only the styles you use in your project. It offers a wide range of utility classes that can be easily applied to your HTML elements, allowing for rapid prototyping and efficient styling. Windicss is highly customizable and can be integrated seamlessly with popular frontend frameworks like Vue, React, and Angular.


Tags: cssframeworkutility-firstfrontendstyling



Materialize CSS is a well-established and widely used CSS framework with a large community and popularity. WindiCSS, on the other hand, is a relatively newer library but has gained popularity due to its unique approach and features.

CSS Framework vs Utility-First CSS

Materialize CSS is a comprehensive CSS framework that provides pre-designed components and a set of CSS classes for styling. It offers a more opinionated approach and is suitable for projects that require a complete UI solution. WindiCSS, on the other hand, is a utility-first CSS framework that focuses on providing utility classes for rapid and efficient styling. It is highly customizable and allows for a more flexible and modular approach to styling.

Features and Customization

Materialize CSS provides a wide range of pre-designed components, such as buttons, cards, and forms, along with a set of CSS classes for styling. It also offers a JavaScript component library for enhanced interactivity. WindiCSS, on the other hand, focuses on providing utility classes for styling and does not include pre-designed components. It allows for extensive customization and provides features like JIT (Just-in-Time) compilation for improved performance.

Developer Experience

Materialize CSS provides a more structured and opinionated approach to styling, making it easier for developers to get started quickly. It has comprehensive documentation and a large community for support. WindiCSS, on the other hand, requires a bit more configuration and setup but offers a highly customizable and efficient styling experience. It has good documentation and a growing community.


Materialize CSS is a feature-rich framework with a larger codebase, which can impact performance to some extent. WindiCSS, being a utility-first CSS framework, generates optimized and minimal CSS by eliminating unused styles, resulting in better performance. It also offers JIT compilation, which further improves performance by generating CSS on-demand.

Integration and Ecosystem

Materialize CSS can be easily integrated into existing projects and has good compatibility with other libraries and frameworks like React and Vue.js. It has a wide range of community-contributed themes and plugins available. WindiCSS is also compatible with popular frameworks and libraries and can be integrated into different build tools. However, being a newer library, it may have a smaller ecosystem compared to Materialize CSS.