Head-to-Head: Material Design Lite vs styled-components Analysis


v1.3.0(over 7 years ago)

This package is deprecated. Consider finding alternatives.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/material-design-liteNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Material Design Lite (MDL) is a front-end framework developed by Google that allows developers to easily implement Google's Material Design principles in web projects. It provides a set of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript components for creating modern and responsive user interfaces with a clean and consistent design. MDL offers components like buttons, cards, menus, and sliders, following the Material Design guidelines for layout, color, and typography.


Tags: front-endframeworkmaterial-designresponsiveGoogle


v6.1.12(10 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 9Monthly npm downloads

Styled-components is a popular CSS-in-JS library for styling React components. It allows you to write actual CSS code to style your components directly within your JavaScript files, providing a more maintainable and scalable styling solution. With styled-components, you can easily create dynamic styles based on props, use nested components, and leverage the full power of CSS features like media queries and keyframes.


Tags: reactcss-in-jsstylingcomponentsdynamic-styles



Material Design Lite (MDL) and Styled Components are both popular npm packages, but they serve different purposes and have different target audiences. MDL is a framework for implementing Material Design in web applications, while Styled Components is a popular CSS-in-JS library. The popularity of each package depends on the specific use case and project requirements.


Material Design Lite provides a comprehensive set of pre-styled components and styles that adhere to the Material Design guidelines. It offers a wide range of UI components, such as buttons, cards, menus, and grids, making it easy to create visually appealing and consistent designs. Styled Components, on the other hand, focuses on providing a powerful and flexible way to style React components using JavaScript. It allows developers to write CSS styles directly in their JavaScript code, enabling them to create dynamic and reusable components.


Material Design Lite is designed to work seamlessly with vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It can be easily integrated into existing projects without requiring major changes to the codebase. Styled Components, on the other hand, is specifically tailored for React applications. It integrates well with React's component-based architecture and provides a convenient way to style components using JavaScript.

Developer Experience

Material Design Lite provides a straightforward and intuitive API for implementing Material Design styles and components. It has good documentation and a large community, which makes it easier to find resources and support. Styled Components, on the other hand, offers a more flexible and expressive way to style components. It allows developers to use the full power of JavaScript to create dynamic styles, but it may have a steeper learning curve for those who are not familiar with CSS-in-JS concepts.


Material Design Lite provides a set of predefined styles and components that follow the Material Design guidelines. While it offers some customization options, it may not be as flexible as Styled Components when it comes to creating highly customized and unique designs. Styled Components, on the other hand, allows for extensive customization and dynamic styling, giving developers more control over the appearance and behavior of their components.


Material Design Lite is designed to be lightweight and optimized for performance. It follows best practices for web performance and uses efficient CSS and JavaScript code. Styled Components, on the other hand, introduces a runtime overhead as it generates unique class names for each styled component. However, this overhead is usually negligible and can be mitigated through proper configuration and optimization techniques.