Head-to-Head: Material Components for the web vs Semantic UI React Analysis


v14.0.0(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 49Monthly npm downloads

Material Components for the Web is a collection of modular and customizable UI components based on Google's Material Design guidelines. It provides a set of ready-to-use components like buttons, cards, dialogs, and more, with consistent styling and behavior across different platforms and devices. Material Components for the Web offers a rich set of features, including accessibility support, theming capabilities, and responsive design.


Tags: ui-componentsmaterial-designmodularcustomizableresponsive


v2.1.5(10 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 13Monthly npm downloads

Semantic UI React is a popular library that provides React components following the Semantic UI design language. It offers a wide range of customizable and responsive UI components, making it easy to build modern and visually appealing user interfaces. With Semantic UI React, developers can quickly create layouts, forms, modals, menus, and more, with consistent styling and behavior.


Tags: reactui-componentsdesignsemantic-uiresponsive



Both Material Components Web and Semantic UI React are popular choices in the React ecosystem. Material Components Web is based on the Material Design guidelines by Google and has gained popularity for its sleek and modern design. Semantic UI React, on the other hand, offers a wide range of pre-designed components and has a strong community following.

Design and Styling

Material Components Web follows the Material Design principles and provides a consistent and visually appealing design out of the box. It offers a wide range of customizable components and follows the Material Design guidelines closely. Semantic UI React, on the other hand, provides a set of pre-designed components with a semantic naming convention, making it easy to build visually appealing interfaces without much customization.

Component Ecosystem

Semantic UI React provides a comprehensive set of pre-designed components, including grids, forms, buttons, modals, and more. It offers a rich component ecosystem that covers a wide range of use cases. Material Components Web also provides a good set of components, but it may not have the same breadth as Semantic UI React. However, Material Components Web offers more flexibility in terms of customization and theming.

Integration with React

Both libraries are designed specifically for React and provide seamless integration with React applications. They both offer React components that can be easily used within a React project. However, Semantic UI React has a more opinionated approach and provides a higher-level API, while Material Components Web offers a lower-level API that gives developers more control and flexibility.

Documentation and Community Support

Both libraries have well-documented APIs and provide examples and guides to help developers get started. Semantic UI React has a larger community and more extensive documentation, making it easier to find answers to common questions and issues. Material Components Web also has a supportive community, but it may require more exploration and experimentation to find specific solutions.


In terms of performance, Material Components Web is known for its lightweight and optimized codebase. It follows best practices for performance and provides options for lazy loading and code splitting. Semantic UI React, while generally performant, may have a slightly larger bundle size due to its extensive component library. However, the impact on performance may vary depending on the specific usage and optimization techniques employed.