Head-to-Head: ky vs Redaxios Analysis


v1.5.0(1 day ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Ky is a lightweight and modern HTTP client for the browser and Node.js. It offers a simple and intuitive API for making HTTP requests with features like automatic JSON parsing, request cancellation, and support for browser-specific features like progress events and aborting requests. Ky focuses on providing a minimalistic and efficient solution for handling HTTP requests without unnecessary overhead.


Tags: httpclientbrowsernode.jsmodern


v0.5.1(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Redaxios is a lightweight and simplified alternative to the popular Axios HTTP client library. It provides a similar API to Axios but focuses on reducing bundle size and improving performance. Redaxios is built on top of the native Fetch API, making it smaller in size and faster in execution compared to Axios.


Tags: javascripthttp-clientfetch-apiperformancebundle-size



Both Ky and Redaxios are popular npm packages for making HTTP requests in JavaScript. However, Ky has gained more popularity and has a larger community following compared to Redaxios.


Ky is known for its small size and lightweight footprint. It is optimized for bundlers and has a minimal bundle size. Redaxios, on the other hand, is also relatively lightweight but slightly larger than Ky.

API Design

Ky follows a modern and intuitive API design inspired by the `fetch` API. It provides a simple and expressive syntax for making HTTP requests, handling responses, and configuring options. Redaxios, on the other hand, aims to provide a similar API to the popular `axios` library, making it more familiar to developers already using `axios`.

Browser Compatibility

Both Ky and Redaxios are compatible with modern browsers, including support for features like async/await and Promises. However, Ky has better support for features like HTTP/2 and native browser fetch, which can lead to improved performance in certain scenarios.

Interceptors and Middleware

Both Ky and Redaxios provide support for interceptors and middleware to modify request or response behavior. Ky has a more built-in and flexible interceptor system that allows for more advanced request/response manipulation. Redaxios provides a simpler middleware system that is similar to `axios`.

Additional Features

Both libraries offer additional features such as automatic JSON parsing, request cancellation, and CSRF token handling. Ky provides more fine-grained control over default headers, retries, and timeout handling, while Redaxios focuses on providing a minimal and straightforward API with fewer additional features.

TypeScript Support

Both Ky and Redaxios have good TypeScript support. Ky ships with TypeScript typings out of the box and provides a great development experience for TypeScript users. Redaxios also provides TypeScript typings and can be easily integrated into TypeScript projects.

Community and Maintenance

Ky has an active and responsive community with regular updates and bug fixes. It is actively maintained and has good documentation. Redaxios, while not as popular as Ky, is also actively maintained and has a supportive community. Both packages are reliable choices for making HTTP requests and receive updates.