Head-to-Head: JSS vs Pure.css Analysis


v10.10.0(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 4Monthly npm downloads

JSS is a powerful and versatile JavaScript library for creating and managing CSS styles using JavaScript objects. It allows developers to define styles in a more dynamic and programmatic way, enabling them to easily generate unique class names, handle media queries, and create reusable style objects. JSS supports various CSS features like nesting, variables, and functions, making it a flexible solution for styling applications.


Tags: javascriptcssstylesdynamicreact


v3.0.0(about 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

PureCSS is a lightweight set of responsive CSS modules that can be used to quickly and easily create clean and minimalistic web designs. It provides a grid system, typography styles, forms, buttons, tables, and other essential components for building modern websites. PureCSS is known for its simplicity and flexibility, allowing developers to customize and extend the styles to fit their design needs.


Tags: cssresponsiveminimalisticgrid-systemmodular



Both JSS and PureCSS are widely used in the frontend development community. PureCSS has been around for longer and has gained significant popularity over the years. JSS, on the other hand, is a relatively newer library but has gained a strong following, especially within the React ecosystem.


PureCSS is a CSS framework that provides a comprehensive set of pre-designed CSS classes. The size of PureCSS can vary depending on which components are included in the project, but in general, it is relatively lightweight and only adds minimal overhead to the project. JSS is a JavaScript library that provides a way to write and manage CSS styles using JavaScript. As such, it adds some additional JavaScript code to the project, which might increase the overall bundle size.


PureCSS comes with a predefined set of CSS classes that can be used out of the box. It provides a consistent and cohesive styling solution but may not offer as much flexibility as JSS. JSS, on the other hand, allows you to dynamically generate and modify CSS styles using JavaScript. This provides a high level of flexibility and allows for more dynamic styling capabilities.


PureCSS can be used with any frontend framework or vanilla HTML/CSS project. It's easy to integrate and start using immediately. JSS, on the other hand, is more commonly used in conjunction with React or other JavaScript frameworks. It provides seamless integration with React components and allows for a more component-centric styling approach.

Developer Experience

PureCSS offers a straightforward developer experience with a predefined set of CSS classes that can be easily used to style HTML elements. It requires minimal setup and configuration. JSS, being a JavaScript-based styling solution, provides a more programmatic approach to styling. It allows for dynamic style generation, theming, and easy management of styles within the component's JavaScript code.

Community and Maintenance

Both JSS and PureCSS have active communities and are maintained by their respective teams. PureCSS has been around for longer and has built a matured ecosystem with a large number of contributors and resources. JSS, although newer, has gained popularity within the React community and is actively developed and maintained, ensuring future updates and improvements.