Jotai is a simple and scalable state management library for React applications. It offers a minimalistic and flexible approach to managing state in your components, using atoms and selectors to define and access state. Jotai's API is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing developers to create complex state logic with minimal boilerplate.
Tags: reactstate-managementatomsselectorsscalable
v3.1.5(over 2 years ago)
Storeon is a tiny and flexible state management library for JavaScript applications. It provides a simple and efficient way to manage the state of your application using a unidirectional data flow architecture. Storeon is lightweight, with a size of less than 200 bytes when gzipped, making it ideal for small projects or applications where performance is crucial.
Jotai and Storeon are both popular state management libraries in the JavaScript ecosystem. However, Jotai has gained more popularity and attention in recent years due to its simplicity and ease of use.
Jotai is a lightweight state management library with a small bundle size. Storeon is also relatively small in size, making it suitable for projects where bundle size is a concern.
Both Jotai and Storeon are scalable and can handle complex state management requirements. Jotai follows a more atomic and granular approach to state management, while Storeon provides a centralized store similar to Redux. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the project.
Developer Experience
Jotai provides a simple and intuitive API, making it easy to understand and use. It leverages React's context API and hooks, resulting in a familiar development experience for React developers. Storeon also offers a straightforward API, but it requires a bit more setup and configuration compared to Jotai.
Jotai integrates seamlessly with React and can be easily used alongside other React libraries and frameworks. Storeon, on the other hand, is framework-agnostic and can be used with any JavaScript framework or library, making it more versatile in terms of integration options.
Community and Documentation
Both Jotai and Storeon have active communities and provide good documentation. Jotai has gained a significant following and has a growing ecosystem of plugins and extensions. Storeon also has a supportive community, although it may not be as large as Jotai's.