Inferno is a fast and lightweight JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is designed to have a similar API to React but with a focus on performance optimization. Inferno boasts a small footprint and efficient rendering, making it ideal for high-performance applications. It supports key React features like virtual DOM, JSX syntax, and component-based architecture.
React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, developed by Facebook. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic UI components using a declarative and component-based approach. React's virtual DOM implementation ensures efficient rendering performance by minimizing DOM manipulations. It also supports server-side rendering and mobile app development through React Native.
React is one of the most popular and widely used JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. It has a large and active community with extensive documentation, tutorials, and support. Inferno, on the other hand, is less popular and has a smaller community.
Size and Performance
Inferno is a smaller and faster alternative to React. It is specifically designed to have a smaller footprint and better performance compared to React. Inferno accomplishes this by aggressively optimizing render and reconciliation processes. However, React, being more mature and widely adopted, may have better tooling and optimizations in certain scenarios.
React has a broad ecosystem and is compatible with many third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools. It is well-integrated with various state management libraries, testing libraries, and other popular tools. Inferno aims to be compatible with React and tries to maintain a similar API, but it may require some changes and may not have complete compatibility with all React-based libraries and tools.
Developer Experience
React provides an excellent developer experience with a rich set of tools, including React DevTools for debugging and inspecting components. It has a well-established and mature ecosystem, making it easier for developers to find solutions and resources. Inferno, although not as popular, offers a similar developer experience with its own set of dev tools and documentation.
Community and Support
React has a large and active community, which means there are vast resources available, including tutorials, articles, and forums. It also benefits from being backed by Facebook, which ensures its continual development and support. Inferno has a smaller community, which may limit the availability of resources and support.
Choosing Between Inferno and React
If you are looking for a widely adopted, battle-tested library with extensive community support and a broad ecosystem, React is a solid choice. It is suitable for most projects and provides an excellent developer experience. On the other hand, if you prioritize performance and a smaller bundle size, and don't mind having a smaller community and potential compatibility challenges with certain React-based libraries, Inferno can be a good alternative.