Head-to-Head: Grommet vs react-dates Analysis


v2.40.0(24 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 5Monthly npm downloads

focus on the essential experience


v21.8.0(over 4 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/react-datesNumber of direct dependencies: 15Monthly npm downloads

React-Dates is a flexible and customizable date picker component for React applications. It provides a user-friendly interface for selecting dates, ranges, and displaying calendars. React-Dates offers various features like date range selection, localization support, keyboard navigation, and customizable styling options.


Tags: reactdate-pickercalendaruser-interfacecustomizable



Both Grommet and React Dates are popular npm packages in the React ecosystem. Grommet is a widely used UI component library with a large community following. React Dates, on the other hand, is a popular package specifically designed for date picking and manipulation.


Grommet is a comprehensive UI component library that provides a wide range of pre-built components for building user interfaces. It covers various aspects of UI development, including layout, forms, navigation, and more. React Dates, on the other hand, focuses specifically on date-related functionality, providing components for date picking, range selection, and date manipulation.


Grommet offers a high level of customization options, allowing developers to customize the appearance and behavior of components to match their specific design requirements. React Dates, while providing some customization options, is more focused on providing a consistent and user-friendly date picking experience out of the box.

Developer Experience

Both packages have good developer experiences, but they differ in their approach. Grommet provides a comprehensive set of components and utilities, making it easy to build complex UIs. React Dates, being a specialized package, offers a simpler and more focused API specifically tailored for date-related functionality.

Community and Support

Grommet has a large and active community, with regular updates and ongoing development. It has extensive documentation, examples, and community support. React Dates, while not as widely used as Grommet, still has a solid community and provides good documentation and support for its specific use case of date picking and manipulation.