Head-to-Head: Fela vs Windi CSS Analysis


v12.2.1(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 5Monthly npm downloads

Fela is a high-performance, framework-agnostic styling library for React and other JavaScript frameworks. It follows a functional CSS approach, where styles are generated dynamically based on props and state, resulting in a more maintainable and scalable styling solution. Fela offers features like theming, keyframe animations, and server-side rendering support.


Tags: javascriptstylingreactfunctional-cssperformance


v3.5.6(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Windicss is a utility-first CSS framework that aims to optimize your CSS by generating only the styles you use in your project. It offers a wide range of utility classes that can be easily applied to your HTML elements, allowing for rapid prototyping and efficient styling. Windicss is highly customizable and can be integrated seamlessly with popular frontend frameworks like Vue, React, and Angular.


Tags: cssframeworkutility-firstfrontendstyling



Both Fela and WindiCSS are popular npm packages in their respective domains. Fela is a widely used styling library for React applications, while WindiCSS is gaining popularity as a utility-first CSS framework for faster and efficient development.


Fela is primarily focused on providing a styling solution for React, allowing users to write CSS-in-JS styles using JavaScript objects. It seamlessly integrates with React and has good support for components, theming, and dynamic styling. WindiCSS, on the other hand, is a standalone CSS framework that can be used with any JavaScript framework or library. It does not have specific integration with React but can be easily used in React projects with a custom setup or through third-party integrations.

Styling Approach

Fela follows a CSS-in-JS approach, where styles are defined and manipulated using JavaScript objects. It provides a high level of flexibility and modularity, allowing users to dynamically generate styles based on props or application state. WindiCSS, on the other hand, is a utility-first CSS framework similar to Tailwind CSS. It provides a large set of predefined utility classes that can be used to style components directly in HTML or JSX. This approach promotes reusability and consistency across the application.


Fela is known for its efficient runtime performance. It leverages a unique rendering strategy based on atomic CSS and lazy evaluation, resulting in minimal generated CSS output and fast style calculations. WindiCSS, being a utility-first framework, generates a larger CSS output as it includes a wide range of utility classes. However, it offers various optimization techniques like tree-shaking and on-demand CSS generation to reduce the final bundle size and improve performance.

Developer Experience

Fela provides a comprehensive set of APIs and tools for developers to work with. It offers excellent TypeScript support, developer-friendly debug tools, and integrations with popular development tools like React DevTools. WindiCSS also provides a good developer experience with its utility class autocomplete, out-of-the-box color palette generation, and extensive documentation. However, it may require additional setup and configuration in React projects compared to Fela.

Ecosystem and Community

Fela has been around for a longer time and has a mature ecosystem with a range of plugins and integrations available. It has a strong community support and active development. WindiCSS, on the other hand, is a relatively newer project but has been gaining popularity rapidly. It has an active community and is backed by the creators of Vite, a popular build tool in the JavaScript ecosystem.