Head-to-Head: Fela vs Material Design Lite Analysis
v12.2.1(about 2 years ago)
Fela is a high-performance, framework-agnostic styling library for React and other JavaScript frameworks. It follows a functional and atomic CSS approach, generating styles dynamically based on component props. Fela's unique feature is its ability to generate atomic CSS classes on the fly, resulting in smaller CSS bundles and improved performance.
Tags: javascriptstylingCSS-in-JSReactperformance
v1.3.0(about 8 years ago)
Material Design Lite (MDL) is a front-end framework developed by Google that allows developers to easily incorporate Google's Material Design principles into their web projects. It provides a set of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript components that follow the Material Design guidelines, offering a clean and modern look for web applications.
Both Fela and Material Design Lite (MDL) have their own niche in the JavaScript ecosystem. Fela is a popular styling library used in conjunction with React, while MDL is a frontend framework for implementing Material Design. Fela is more commonly used in React projects, while MDL has a wider range of applications in various web projects.
Fela follows a CSS-in-JS approach, allowing you to write styles as JavaScript objects. It offers a powerful styling model and helps in generating dynamic, efficient, and scoped CSS. On the other hand, MDL is a pre-defined CSS and JavaScript framework that provides ready-to-use components and styling patterns following Material Design guidelines.
Fela is highly customizable and provides a lot of flexibility in terms of theming and modular plugins. You can easily extend its functionality and tailor it to your specific needs. MDL, on the other hand, has a predefined set of styles and components that may limit the customization options. However, MDL provides a theming mechanism that allows limited customization within the boundaries of Material Design.
Fela is commonly used with React and integrates well into a React component-based architecture. It works seamlessly with other libraries and frameworks and provides a good developer experience for managing styles in a component-driven UI. MDL, on the other hand, can be used with any JavaScript framework or even vanilla JS. It provides ready-to-use CSS and JavaScript files that can be easily added to any project.
Fela is known for its performance optimizations. It generates minimal CSS output by only injecting the styles that are actually used in the application. It also provides powerful caching mechanisms and supports server-side rendering. MDL, being a CSS framework, may have a larger initial footprint, but it offers optimized CSS and JavaScript for improved performance.
Community and Support
Both Fela and MDL have active communities and provide good documentation. Fela has a smaller but dedicated community that actively maintains the library. MDL, being a part of the Material Design ecosystem, has a larger community and is backed by Google. This provides better support and a wider range of resources and tutorials.