Head-to-Head: Evergreen vs React Bootstrap Analysis


v7.1.9(about 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 17Monthly npm downloads

🌲 React UI Kit by Segment 🌲


v2.10.4(2 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 12Monthly npm downloads

React-Bootstrap is a popular library that combines the power of React and Bootstrap to create responsive and mobile-first web applications. It provides a set of reusable React components that are built with Bootstrap's CSS framework, allowing developers to quickly and easily design modern and visually appealing user interfaces.


Tags: reactbootstrapresponsivecomponentsUI


Component Library

Evergreen-UI is a comprehensive component library that focuses on providing a set of customizable and accessible React components for building modern web applications. React-Bootstrap, on the other hand, is a popular library that offers Bootstrap components re-implemented with React components.


Evergreen-UI comes with its own minimalistic design system and styling, which gives a unique look and feel to applications built with it. React-Bootstrap, on the other hand, inherits the styling and design patterns of Bootstrap, which might be familiar to developers who have worked with Bootstrap before.


Evergreen-UI provides a high level of customization options, allowing developers to easily theme and style components to match their design requirements. React-Bootstrap also offers some level of customization, but it might be more limited compared to Evergreen-UI.

Community Support

Both Evergreen-UI and React-Bootstrap have active communities supporting them. React-Bootstrap benefits from the popularity and widespread adoption of Bootstrap, while Evergreen-UI has a growing community that appreciates its modern design and features.


Evergreen-UI is known for its performance optimizations and lightweight nature, which can lead to faster rendering and improved user experience. React-Bootstrap, being based on Bootstrap, might have a slightly heavier footprint due to the inclusion of Bootstrap's CSS and JavaScript.


Both libraries have well-documented APIs and examples to help developers get started with using the components. Evergreen-UI's documentation is known for its clarity and ease of use, while React-Bootstrap's documentation benefits from the extensive documentation of Bootstrap.