Ember Source is the core library of the Ember.js framework, providing a robust set of tools and conventions for building ambitious web applications. It offers a strong focus on developer productivity and follows the convention over configuration principle, making it easier to get started with complex web projects. Ember Source includes features like two-way data binding, computed properties, and a powerful routing system.
Mithril is a modern client-side JavaScript framework for building single-page applications. It is known for its small size (8kb gzip) and high performance, making it a great choice for lightweight applications where speed and efficiency are crucial. Mithril follows a minimalist design philosophy, providing a simple and elegant API for creating components, managing state, and handling routing.
Ember.js is a mature and widely adopted framework, and ember-source is the official package for Ember.js. It has a dedicated community and a large number of users. Mithril, on the other hand, is a lightweight and less popular framework compared to Ember.js.
Ember.js is known for its convention-over-configuration approach, which makes it highly scalable for large and complex applications. It provides a robust architecture and built-in solutions for common challenges. Mithril is also scalable, but it is more suitable for smaller projects or specific use cases.
Ember.js has a larger footprint and can be slower compared to Mithril. Mithril is designed to be lightweight and performant, making it a good choice for applications that prioritize speed and efficiency.
Developer Experience
Ember.js provides a comprehensive set of tools, conventions, and a strong ecosystem that can enhance developer productivity. It has a steep learning curve but offers powerful features like Ember CLI, Ember Data, and Ember Inspector. Mithril, on the other hand, has a simpler and more lightweight API, which can lead to a faster learning curve and a more minimalistic development experience.
Community and Support
Ember.js has a large and active community with extensive documentation, tutorials, and resources available. It also has regular releases and updates. Mithril has a smaller community and fewer resources available, but it still has an active community and provides decent documentation.