Head-to-Head: Element Plus vs Vuestic UI Analysis


v2.7.8(about 18 hours ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 15Monthly npm downloads

Element Plus is a Vue.js UI library that provides a set of high-quality and customizable components for building modern web applications. It is a fork of the popular Element UI library, with a focus on improving performance, accessibility, and developer experience. Element Plus offers a wide range of components such as buttons, forms, tables, and dialogs, along with themes and plugins to enhance the user interface.


Tags: vue.jsui-librarycomponentsmoderncustomizable


v1.9.12(about 1 month ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 5Monthly npm downloads

Vuestic UI is a Vue.js component library designed for building modern and responsive web applications. It offers a wide range of customizable and well-designed UI components, such as buttons, forms, modals, and navigation elements, to streamline the development process. Vuestic UI follows the Material Design guidelines, providing a visually appealing and consistent user interface.


Tags: vue.jscomponent-libraryUIresponsiveMaterial Design



Both Element Plus and Vuestic UI are popular UI component libraries for Vue.js. Element Plus has a larger user base and a more established community due to its association with the original Element UI library. Vuestic UI, although less popular, has a dedicated following and is gaining traction.

Component Selection

Element Plus provides a comprehensive set of UI components, including form elements, navigation, data display, and more. It offers a wide range of components suitable for building complex applications. Vuestic UI, on the other hand, focuses more on providing a beautiful and customizable admin dashboard template. It includes components specifically designed for dashboards and data visualization.

Design and Style

Both libraries offer visually appealing and modern design. Element Plus follows a clean and minimalist design approach, while Vuestic UI offers a more vibrant and colorful design. The choice between the two depends on the preferred aesthetic and the design requirements of the project.

Customization and Theming

Element Plus provides a powerful theming system that allows developers to customize the appearance of components to match their application's branding. It also offers a wide selection of pre-built themes to choose from. Vuestic UI, on the other hand, focuses on providing a highly customizable dashboard template with support for custom styling and theming as well.

Documentation and Community Support

Element Plus has extensive documentation with clear examples and a large and active community. It is backed by the Element UI organization, which provides continuous support and updates. Vuestic UI also has decent documentation but may not be as extensive as Element Plus. However, community support for Vuestic UI is growing, and developers can find help through various channels.

Integration and Compatibility

Both Element Plus and Vuestic UI are designed to work seamlessly with Vue.js projects. They provide Vue components that can be easily integrated into existing projects. Element Plus has a stronger focus on compatibility with different Vue.js versions. It also provides TypeScript support out of the box. Vuestic UI is more focused on Vue 2.x but is being actively updated to support Vue 3.x as well.