Head-to-Head: Bulma vs Fela Analysis


v1.0.3(6 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Bulma is a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox that offers a clean and modular design for building responsive web interfaces. It provides a wide range of customizable components and utilities, making it easy to create visually appealing layouts with minimal effort. Bulma's documentation is comprehensive and beginner-friendly, offering clear examples and guidelines for implementation.


Tags: cssframeworkflexboxresponsivemodular


v12.2.1(about 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 5Monthly npm downloads

Fela is a high-performance, framework-agnostic styling library for React and other JavaScript frameworks. It follows a functional and atomic CSS approach, generating styles dynamically based on component props. Fela's unique feature is its ability to generate atomic CSS classes on the fly, resulting in smaller CSS bundles and improved performance.


Tags: javascriptstylingCSS-in-JSReactperformance



Bulma is a widely popular CSS framework known for its simplicity and ease of use. It has a large community and is widely adopted in the web development community. Fela, on the other hand, is a lesser-known library that focuses on providing a highly efficient and scalable styling solution for React applications.

CSS Framework vs Styling Library

Bulma is a comprehensive CSS framework that provides ready-to-use components and a grid system. It is suitable for quickly prototyping and building responsive websites. Fela, on the other hand, is a styling library that follows the CSS-in-JS approach. It provides a powerful styling API and allows for dynamic and reusable styles in React components.

Customization and Theming

Bulma offers a wide range of customization options through Sass variables and allows for easy theming. It provides a set of predefined color schemes and allows developers to customize the look and feel of their projects. Fela, on the other hand, provides a more programmatic approach to styling and allows for dynamic theming and customization through JavaScript.

Developer Experience

Bulma provides a straightforward and intuitive API for building responsive layouts and styling components. It has extensive documentation and a large community, making it easy to find resources and support. Fela, on the other hand, requires a deeper understanding of CSS-in-JS concepts and may have a steeper learning curve for developers who are new to this approach.

Performance and Scalability

Bulma is a CSS framework that relies on pre-defined stylesheets, which can result in larger file sizes and slower performance compared to more optimized solutions. Fela, on the other hand, generates dynamic and optimized CSS at runtime, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and better performance. Fela is particularly well-suited for large-scale applications where performance and scalability are critical.

Integration with React Ecosystem

Bulma can be easily integrated with React applications, but it is not specifically designed for React. Fela, on the other hand, is built specifically for React and provides seamless integration with React components. It offers features like automatic class name generation and dynamic styling based on component props, making it a powerful solution for styling React applications.