Head-to-Head: Browserify vs Snowpack Analysis


v17.0.0(almost 4 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/browserifyNumber of direct dependencies: 48Monthly npm downloads

browser-side require() the node way


v3.8.8(about 3 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 52Monthly npm downloads

Snowpack is a modern build tool that focuses on speed and efficiency for web development projects. It leverages ESM (ECMAScript Modules) to provide a faster and more streamlined development experience by skipping the bundling process during development. Snowpack's approach allows for instant page reloads and faster build times, making it ideal for modern web applications.


Tags: web developmentbuild toolESMefficiencyspeed



Both Browserify and Snowpack are popular build tools in the JavaScript ecosystem. Browserify has been around for longer and has a larger user base, while Snowpack has gained popularity in recent years due to its focus on modern development workflows.

Bundle Size

Browserify bundles all dependencies and application code into a single file, resulting in larger bundle sizes. Snowpack, on the other hand, uses an unbundled development workflow, where dependencies are served as individual modules, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and faster development iterations.

Build Performance

Browserify performs well for smaller projects, but as the project size grows, the build time can become slower. Snowpack excels in build performance, especially for large projects, as it leverages modern bundling techniques and parallel processing to optimize build times.

Development Experience

Browserify provides a more traditional approach to building JavaScript applications, where you need to explicitly define dependencies and manage the build process. Snowpack, on the other hand, embraces a more modern and streamlined development experience, with zero-config setup and instant dev server reloads.


Browserify is compatible with a wide range of JavaScript projects and libraries, including older ones that may not have native module support. Snowpack is designed for modern JavaScript projects and works well with ES modules and newer frameworks like React and Vue.

Community and Ecosystem

Browserify has a mature and established community with a wide range of plugins and integrations available. Snowpack has a growing community and ecosystem, with support for popular tools and frameworks. However, the ecosystem around Browserify is more extensive and has been around for longer.