Astroturf is a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS solution for styling React components. It allows developers to write CSS directly in JavaScript using familiar CSS syntax, which is then transformed into efficient, scoped CSS at build time. Astroturf provides a seamless integration with React components, enabling dynamic styling based on props and state without sacrificing performance.
Tags: css-in-jsreactstylingzero-runtimebuild-time
v3.5.6(over 2 years ago)
Windicss is a utility-first CSS framework that aims to optimize your CSS by generating only the necessary styles based on your HTML template. It eliminates unused styles, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and improved performance. Windicss provides a wide range of utility classes that can be easily customized and extended to suit your project's needs.
Astroturf and WindiCSS are both relatively popular npm packages in the JavaScript community. They have their own unique use cases and cater to different needs.
Use Cases
Astroturf is a CSS-in-JS library that focuses on providing a zero-runtime solution while offering a wide range of CSS features. It allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript components and generates static CSS during build time. WindiCSS, on the other hand, is a utility-first CSS framework that aims to provide a streamlined developer experience with a focus on rapid development and reducing CSS bundle size.
Astroturf can be used with any JavaScript framework or library, including React, Vue, and Angular. It can seamlessly integrate with your existing codebase. WindiCSS, on the other hand, is primarily tailored for use with Vue.js projects but can also be used with other frameworks like React or Svelte.
Astroturf performs very well in terms of runtime performance since it generates static CSS during build time. The generated CSS is optimized and only includes the styles actually used in your code. WindiCSS also prioritizes performance and focuses on generating minimal and optimized CSS bundles by using on-demand utilities.
Developer Experience
Both Astroturf and WindiCSS provide a good developer experience. Astroturf allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript components using familiar CSS syntax and offers advanced CSS features like nesting, variables, and composition. WindiCSS provides utility classes that you can utilize directly in your markup for rapid development and productivity.
Community and Documentation
Astroturf and WindiCSS both have active communities and are maintained by their respective teams. Astroturf has a good set of documentation and examples, making it easy to get started. WindiCSS also has comprehensive documentation with examples and a growing community around it.