AmCharts 3 is a powerful JavaScript library for creating interactive charts and maps for web applications. It offers a wide range of chart types, including line, bar, pie, and scatter charts, as well as geographical maps with customizable features. AmCharts 3 provides extensive customization options for styling and interactivity, making it suitable for creating visually appealing and data-rich visualizations.
NVD3 is a reusable charting library for creating interactive and visually appealing data visualizations using D3.js. It provides a wide range of customizable chart types such as line, bar, pie, scatter, and more, making it suitable for various data visualization needs. NVD3 simplifies the process of creating complex charts by offering ready-to-use chart templates and configurations.
Both AmCharts3 and NVD3 are popular charting libraries in the JavaScript community. However, NVD3 has gained more popularity in recent years due to its simplicity and ease of use.
Features and Customization
AmCharts3 offers a wide range of chart types and advanced features such as interactive maps, stock charts, and real-time updates. It provides extensive customization options and is suitable for complex data visualization needs. NVD3, on the other hand, focuses on providing a set of reusable chart components with basic customization options. It is more suitable for simpler charting requirements.
Documentation and Community Support
AmCharts3 has comprehensive documentation with detailed examples and a large community of users. It also provides commercial support options. NVD3 has decent documentation but may not be as extensive as AmCharts3. However, NVD3 has an active community and support on platforms like Stack Overflow.
Integration and Compatibility
AmCharts3 is a standalone library that can be integrated with various frameworks and libraries, including React, Angular, and Vue. It provides official wrappers for these frameworks. NVD3 is built on top of D3.js and is primarily designed for integration with D3.js. It may require more effort to integrate with other frameworks.
AmCharts3 is known for its excellent performance, especially when dealing with large datasets and complex visualizations. NVD3, being built on top of D3.js, may have slightly lower performance in certain scenarios, but it is still capable of handling most common charting needs efficiently.
AmCharts3 offers both free and commercial licenses, with the free version having some limitations. NVD3 is released under the MIT license, allowing for free and open-source usage.