Head-to-Head: @urql/vue vs Vue Apollo Analysis


v1.4.0(about 11 hours ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 2Monthly npm downloads

@urql/vue is a Vue.js integration for Urql, a lightweight and versatile GraphQL client. It provides a seamless way to integrate GraphQL functionality into Vue applications, offering features like caching, error handling, and subscription support. @urql/vue simplifies the process of fetching and managing GraphQL data in Vue components, making it easy to build efficient and reactive applications.


Tags: vue.jsgraphqlclientintegrationreactive


v3.1.2(6 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 3Monthly npm downloads

Vue Apollo is a comprehensive integration of Apollo Client with Vue.js, allowing developers to easily manage GraphQL data in their Vue applications. It provides a set of Vue components and helpers that simplify the process of fetching and managing data from a GraphQL server. Vue Apollo seamlessly integrates with Vue's reactivity system, making it easy to update components when data changes.


Tags: vue.jsgraphqldata-managementreactivityintegration



Both @urql/vue and vue-apollo are popular choices for integrating GraphQL with Vue.js. However, vue-apollo has been around for longer and has a larger user base and community support.


@urql/vue is specifically designed to work with the Urql GraphQL client, which is known for its simplicity and performance. It provides a seamless integration with Vue.js and offers a lightweight and efficient GraphQL client. On the other hand, vue-apollo is built on top of Apollo Client, which is a more feature-rich and comprehensive GraphQL client. It provides advanced caching, state management, and a wide range of tools and features for working with GraphQL.

Developer Experience

Both packages offer a good developer experience, but vue-apollo has a more mature and well-documented API. It provides a set of Vue.js components and directives that make it easy to work with GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions. @urql/vue also provides a smooth developer experience with its Vue-specific API, but its documentation and community support are not as extensive as vue-apollo.


vue-apollo offers more flexibility in terms of configuration and customization options. It allows you to fine-tune caching strategies, control network requests, and integrate with other Vue.js plugins and libraries. @urql/vue, on the other hand, follows a more opinionated approach and provides a simpler and more streamlined API. It focuses on performance and ease of use, but may have fewer customization options compared to vue-apollo.


Both packages are compatible with Vue 2.x and Vue 3.x. However, vue-apollo has better support for Vue 3.x and provides a dedicated package for Vue 3 integration. @urql/vue also supports Vue 3, but its Vue 3 integration is still in beta at the time of writing.

Community and Ecosystem

vue-apollo has a larger and more established community with a wide range of resources, tutorials, and community-driven plugins. It is widely adopted and has been extensively used in production applications. @urql/vue, being a newer library, has a smaller community and ecosystem, but it is growing steadily and has the advantage of being backed by the Urql GraphQL client, which has its own active community.