Head-to-Head: @urql/preact vs Apollo Angular Analysis


v4.1.0(3 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 2Monthly npm downloads

@urql/preact is a lightweight and efficient GraphQL client library designed specifically for Preact applications. It offers a simple and intuitive API for fetching and managing GraphQL data in your Preact components. With its focus on performance and minimal bundle size, @urql/preact is a great choice for projects where optimization is crucial.


Tags: graphqlclientpreactperformanceoptimization


v7.0.2(2 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

Apollo Angular is a powerful GraphQL client for Angular applications, providing a seamless integration of GraphQL APIs with Angular services and components. It simplifies data fetching and management by leveraging GraphQL queries and mutations, enabling efficient data loading and caching. Apollo Angular offers features like query batching, optimistic UI updates, and real-time subscriptions, enhancing the performance and responsiveness of Angular applications.


Tags: angulargraphqlclientdata-fetchingoptimistic-ui


Framework Compatibility

Both packages are aimed at different JavaScript frameworks. '@urql/preact' is specifically designed for the Preact framework, providing a GraphQL client for Preact applications. 'apollo-angular', on the other hand, is tailored for the Angular framework, offering GraphQL integration for Angular applications. Therefore, the choice between the two heavily depends on the framework being used in the project.

Popularity and Community Support

Both packages have a significant user base and are backed by reputable organizations. 'apollo-angular' is maintained by Apollo GraphQL, which has a large and active community and extensive documentation. '@urql/preact' is maintained by Formidable Labs and has gained popularity in the Preact community. It is important to consider the community support and ecosystem for each package, depending on the project's requirements and the availability of resources and examples.

Learning Curve

'apollo-angular' is tightly integrated with the Angular ecosystem and embraces Angular's concepts and conventions. If you are already familiar with Angular, using 'apollo-angular' will feel natural. '@urql/preact' is tailored for Preact but also provides a developer-friendly experience to those familiar with Apollo Client. Both packages have their learning curves, but the familiarity with the respective frameworks may influence the decision.

Features and Functionality

'apollo-angular' provides a full-featured GraphQL client integration for Angular, including caching, state management, support for subscriptions, and powerful developer tools. '@urql/preact' focuses on simplicity and aims to provide a lightweight and smaller bundle size. It offers essential features such as GraphQL queries and mutations. If you require more advanced features, extensive state management, or caching, 'apollo-angular' might be a more suitable choice.


'@urql/preact' emphasizes performance and a smaller bundle size by default, making it attractive for optimizing web applications. 'apollo-angular' provides a more feature-rich and comprehensive GraphQL integration, which may come with a slightly larger bundle size and performance trade-offs. Depending on the project's requirements and performance optimization goals, a careful evaluation is needed to choose the package that best aligns with the performance objectives.