Head-to-Head: DOM Testing Library vs Svelte Testing Library Analysis


v10.4.0(4 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 8Monthly npm downloads

@testing-library/dom is a testing utility that provides a simple and intuitive API for testing DOM elements in JavaScript applications. It encourages writing tests that closely resemble how users interact with the application, focusing on behavior rather than implementation details. This approach leads to more robust and maintainable tests.


Tags: javascripttestingdomuser-interactionsaccessibility


v5.2.1(1 day ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@testing-library/svelte is a testing utility library specifically designed for testing Svelte components. It provides a simple and intuitive API for interacting with Svelte components in a way that closely resembles how users interact with them in the browser. This library encourages writing tests that focus on the behavior of the components rather than their implementation details, leading to more robust and maintainable tests.


Tags: testingSveltecomponentsbehavior-driven-testingreactive


Testing Framework Compatibility

Both @testing-library/dom and @testing-library/svelte are part of the Testing Library family and follow the same principles and philosophy. However, @testing-library/dom is primarily designed for testing React applications, while @testing-library/svelte is specifically tailored for testing Svelte applications. Therefore, the choice between the two depends on the framework you are using.

Popularity and Community Support

In terms of popularity and community support, @testing-library/dom has a larger user base and a more established community due to its association with React. It has been widely adopted and has extensive documentation, tutorials, and community resources available. @testing-library/svelte, being more specific to Svelte, has a smaller but growing community and may have fewer resources available.

Integration and Compatibility

Both packages provide utilities for testing user interactions and asserting on DOM elements. However, @testing-library/dom is designed to work seamlessly with React's virtual DOM and its component lifecycle, providing specific APIs for React testing. On the other hand, @testing-library/svelte is built to work with Svelte's reactive and component-based architecture, offering tailored APIs for Svelte testing. Therefore, the choice depends on the framework you are using.

Features and Functionality

Both packages offer similar features for testing user interactions, querying DOM elements, and making assertions. However, @testing-library/dom has a more extensive set of utilities and matchers due to its wider adoption and longer development history. @testing-library/svelte provides specific utilities for testing Svelte components and its reactive behavior. It may have some Svelte-specific features that are not available in @testing-library/dom.

Documentation and Learning Curve

Both packages have well-documented APIs and provide examples and guides to help users get started. However, due to its larger community and longer history, @testing-library/dom may have more extensive documentation and a wider range of community-contributed resources available. @testing-library/svelte, being more specific to Svelte, may have more focused and targeted documentation for Svelte-specific testing scenarios.