Head-to-Head: Angular Testing Library vs Svelte Testing Library Analysis


v17.1.0(6 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@testing-library/angular is a testing utility library that provides a simple and intuitive API for testing Angular components. It encourages best practices by focusing on testing components the way users interact with them. This library promotes writing tests that closely resemble how users interact with the application, leading to more robust and reliable tests.


Tags: angulartestingutilitycomponentsuser-centric


v5.2.1(1 day ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@testing-library/svelte is a testing utility library specifically designed for testing Svelte components. It provides a simple and intuitive API for interacting with Svelte components in a way that closely resembles how users interact with them in the browser. This library encourages writing tests that focus on the behavior of the components rather than their implementation details, leading to more robust and maintainable tests.


Tags: testingSveltecomponentsbehavior-driven-testingreactive


Framework Compatibility

The '@testing-library/angular' package is specifically designed for testing Angular applications, while the '@testing-library/svelte' package is designed for testing Svelte applications. Therefore, the choice between the two packages depends on the framework you are using.


Both '@testing-library/angular' and '@testing-library/svelte' are popular choices for testing applications in their respective frameworks. However, '@testing-library/angular' may have a larger community and more resources available due to the popularity of the Angular framework.

API and Features

Both packages provide similar functionality for testing components in their respective frameworks. They offer APIs for querying and interacting with components, as well as utilities for simulating user interactions and asserting component behavior. However, the specific implementation and syntax may differ between the two packages due to the differences in the underlying frameworks.

Documentation and Support

Both packages have well-documented APIs and provide guides and examples to help developers get started with testing. However, the availability of community support and resources may vary depending on the popularity of the framework. '@testing-library/angular' may have more extensive documentation and a larger community due to the widespread use of Angular.

Integration with Testing Ecosystem

Both packages can be integrated with popular testing frameworks and tools. '@testing-library/angular' integrates well with the Angular testing ecosystem, including tools like Karma and Protractor. Similarly, '@testing-library/svelte' can be used with testing frameworks like Jest or Cypress for testing Svelte applications.