Head-to-Head: Angular Testing Library vs jest-dom Analysis


v17.1.0(7 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@testing-library/angular is a testing utility library that provides a simple and intuitive API for testing Angular components. It encourages best practices by focusing on testing components the way users interact with them. This library promotes writing tests that closely resemble how users interact with the application, leading to more robust and reliable tests.


Tags: angulartestingutilitycomponentsuser-centric


v6.4.8(4 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 8Monthly npm downloads

@testing-library/jest-dom is a companion library for Jest that provides custom Jest matchers for asserting on DOM elements. It enhances the testing experience by offering a set of matchers specifically designed for testing user interfaces and interactions. These matchers allow you to write more expressive and readable tests for your web applications.


Tags: testingjestdomuser-interfaceinteractions



@testing-library/angular is specifically designed for testing Angular applications, providing utilities and APIs to facilitate testing Angular components, directives, and services. On the other hand, @testing-library/jest-dom is a library that enhances the Jest testing framework by providing additional matchers and utilities for DOM-related assertions.


@testing-library/angular integrates seamlessly with the Angular testing ecosystem, including Angular's TestBed and ComponentFixture. It provides Angular-specific querying methods and utilities to interact with Angular components and their templates. @testing-library/jest-dom, on the other hand, is framework-agnostic and can be used with any JavaScript or TypeScript project that uses Jest as the testing framework.

API and Features

@testing-library/angular offers a comprehensive set of APIs and utilities tailored specifically for testing Angular applications. It provides methods for querying and interacting with Angular components, handling asynchronous operations, and simulating user events. @testing-library/jest-dom focuses on enhancing the Jest testing framework by providing custom matchers and utilities for DOM assertions, making it easier to write readable and expressive tests for DOM-related behavior.

Community and Support

Both @testing-library/angular and @testing-library/jest-dom are part of the larger Testing Library ecosystem, which promotes best practices for testing user interfaces. They have active communities and receive regular updates and bug fixes. The Testing Library documentation is extensive and provides examples and guides for using both libraries effectively.


@testing-library/angular is specifically designed for testing Angular applications and is tightly integrated with Angular's testing infrastructure. It works well with Angular versions 2 and above. @testing-library/jest-dom, being framework-agnostic, can be used with any JavaScript or TypeScript project that uses Jest as the testing framework, regardless of the frontend framework being used.