Head-to-Head: Angular Testing Library vs DOM Testing Library Analysis


v17.1.0(6 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@testing-library/angular is a testing utility library that provides a simple and intuitive API for testing Angular components. It encourages best practices by focusing on testing components the way users interact with them. This library promotes writing tests that closely resemble how users interact with the application, leading to more robust and reliable tests.


Tags: angulartestingutilitycomponentsuser-centric


v10.4.0(5 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 8Monthly npm downloads

@testing-library/dom is a testing utility that provides a simple and intuitive API for testing DOM elements in JavaScript applications. It encourages writing tests that closely resemble how users interact with the application, focusing on behavior rather than implementation details. This approach leads to more robust and maintainable tests.


Tags: javascripttestingdomuser-interactionsaccessibility


Target Audience

The '@testing-library/angular' package is specifically designed for testing Angular applications, while the '@testing-library/dom' package is more generic and can be used for testing any JavaScript application that uses the DOM.


Since '@testing-library/angular' is tailored for Angular, it provides seamless integration with Angular's testing framework and utilities. On the other hand, '@testing-library/dom' can be used with any testing framework and does not have any specific dependencies.

API and Features

Both packages provide similar APIs and features for testing DOM interactions. They offer utilities for querying DOM elements, simulating user events, and asserting on the state of the DOM. However, '@testing-library/angular' provides additional utilities and matchers specifically designed for testing Angular components and directives.

Community and Support

Both packages have active communities and are well-maintained. However, '@testing-library/angular' benefits from the larger Angular ecosystem and community support. It has extensive documentation and resources available specifically for testing Angular applications.

Learning Curve

If you are already familiar with Angular, '@testing-library/angular' will have a lower learning curve as it aligns well with Angular's concepts and testing patterns. '@testing-library/dom' is more generic and may require a bit more effort to understand and integrate with your specific testing setup.


While '@testing-library/angular' is tailored for Angular, it may have some limitations when it comes to testing non-Angular specific scenarios. '@testing-library/dom' provides more flexibility and can be used in a wider range of testing scenarios, regardless of the framework being used.