Head-to-Head: Stitches React vs MaterializeCSS Analysis


v1.2.8(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

@stitches/react is a CSS-in-JS library that offers a seamless way to style React components using a minimalistic and high-performance approach. It provides a utility-first API for defining styles with a focus on developer experience and maintainability. With @stitches/react, you can create dynamic and responsive designs by composing styles using a constraint-based system.


Tags: css-in-jsreactstylingutility-firstresponsive-design


v1.0.0(almost 6 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/materialize-cssNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Materialize CSS is a modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design principles. It provides a clean and intuitive user interface design with ready-to-use components like buttons, forms, cards, and navigation elements. Materialize CSS offers a grid system for easy layout structuring and responsive design, making it suitable for building mobile-first websites and web applications.


Tags: cssframeworkresponsivematerial-designcomponents



Materialize CSS is a widely popular CSS framework with a large community and extensive documentation. It has been around for a while and is used in many projects. On the other hand, @stitches/react is a relatively newer library that focuses on providing a modern and efficient styling solution for React applications. While it may not have the same level of popularity as Materialize CSS, it has gained a growing following within the React community.

Styling Approach

Materialize CSS is a pre-built CSS framework that provides ready-to-use components and styles. It follows a more traditional approach where you apply predefined classes to HTML elements. @stitches/react, on the other hand, is a CSS-in-JS library that allows you to write styles directly in your JavaScript code. It provides a more dynamic and flexible approach to styling, with the ability to use variables, functions, and dynamic styles.


Materialize CSS offers a wide range of pre-designed components and styles, making it easy to create visually appealing interfaces without much customization. However, customizing the styles beyond the provided options can be challenging. @stitches/react, on the other hand, allows for extensive customization as you have full control over the styles. You can easily create and reuse custom styles and components tailored to your specific needs.

Integration with React

Both libraries are designed to work with React. Materialize CSS provides React components that encapsulate the CSS styles and functionality. It integrates well with React applications but may require additional setup and configuration. @stitches/react is specifically built for React and provides a seamless integration experience. It leverages React's virtual DOM and allows for efficient updates and re-rendering of styles.


Materialize CSS is a comprehensive CSS framework with a large codebase, which can impact performance, especially if you include the entire library in your project. @stitches/react, on the other hand, generates optimized CSS at build time, resulting in smaller and more efficient styles. It also leverages React's virtual DOM diffing algorithm to minimize unnecessary style recalculations and updates.

Documentation and Community Support

Materialize CSS has extensive documentation, including guides, examples, and a vibrant community that provides support and resources. It has been around for a while, so you can find a lot of resources and community-driven solutions. @stitches/react, being a newer library, has a smaller but growing community. It has well-documented APIs and examples, and the maintainers are actively involved in providing support and addressing issues.