Head-to-Head: Stitches React vs Bulma Analysis


v1.2.8(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

@stitches/react is a CSS-in-JS library that offers a seamless way to style React components using a minimalistic and high-performance approach. It provides a utility-first API for defining styles with a focus on developer experience and maintainability. With @stitches/react, you can create dynamic and responsive designs by composing styles using a constraint-based system.


Tags: css-in-jsreactstylingutility-firstresponsive-design


v1.0.2(1 day ago)

This package is actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Bulma is a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox that offers a clean and modular design for building responsive web interfaces. It provides a wide range of customizable components and utilities, making it easy to create visually appealing layouts without the need for additional JavaScript. Bulma's documentation is comprehensive and beginner-friendly, offering clear examples and guidelines for implementation.


Tags: cssframeworkflexboxresponsivemodular



Bulma is a widely popular CSS framework that has been around for a while and has a large community following. On the other hand, @stitches/react is a relatively newer library that is gaining popularity in the React community but may not have the same level of widespread adoption as Bulma.

CSS Framework vs Styling Library

Bulma is a comprehensive CSS framework that provides a complete set of pre-designed components and styles. It offers a ready-to-use solution for building responsive and visually appealing UIs. @stitches/react, on the other hand, is a styling library that focuses on providing a powerful and flexible CSS-in-JS solution. It allows you to write your own styles using JavaScript and provides a more customizable approach to styling.

Customization and Flexibility

Bulma provides a wide range of pre-designed components and styles, making it easy to get started and build consistent UIs. However, customizing the styles or overriding the default behavior of Bulma components can be more challenging. @stitches/react, on the other hand, offers a high level of customization and flexibility. It allows you to define your own design tokens, create reusable style utilities, and easily customize the styles of individual components.

Integration with React

Both @stitches/react and Bulma are compatible with React. However, @stitches/react is specifically built for React and provides a more seamless integration with React components and the React ecosystem. It offers features like theming, prop-based styling, and dynamic styles that are tailored for React development. Bulma, on the other hand, can be used with any JavaScript framework or library, including React.

Learning Curve

Bulma has a relatively low learning curve as it provides a set of predefined classes and styles that can be easily applied to HTML elements. It is beginner-friendly and requires minimal setup. @stitches/react, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve as it introduces a new way of styling components using JavaScript. It requires understanding the concepts of CSS-in-JS and may take some time to get familiar with the library's API and best practices.

Community and Documentation

Bulma has a large and active community with extensive documentation, tutorials, and resources available. It has been widely adopted and has a rich ecosystem of plugins and extensions. @stitches/react, being a newer library, may have a smaller community and fewer resources available. However, it has a well-documented API and provides comprehensive guides and examples to help developers get started.