Head-to-Head: Stitches vs Material Components for the web Analysis


v1.2.8(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

@stitches/core is a modern CSS-in-JS library that offers a seamless way to style your components using JavaScript. It provides a powerful API for defining styles with a focus on performance and developer experience. Stitches allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript code, enabling better encapsulation and reusability of styles. It also supports theming, responsive design, and server-side rendering.


Tags: css-in-jsstylingjavascriptthemingperformance


v14.0.0(about 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 49Monthly npm downloads

Material Components for the Web is a collection of modular and customizable UI components based on Google's Material Design guidelines. It provides a set of ready-to-use components like buttons, cards, dialogs, and more, with consistent styling and behavior across different platforms and devices. Material Components for the Web offers a seamless integration with popular front-end frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue, making it easy to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.


Tags: ui-componentsmaterial-designmodularcustomizablefront-end



Material Components for the web (material-components-web) is a widely popular library that implements the Material Design guidelines. It has a large community and is widely used in various projects. On the other hand, @stitches/core is a relatively newer library that focuses on providing a lightweight and efficient styling solution. While it may not have the same level of popularity as material-components-web, it has been gaining traction in the developer community.

Styling Approach

@stitches/core is specifically designed for styling in React applications. It uses CSS-in-JS approach and provides a constraint-based styling API. This allows for better component encapsulation and reusability. On the other hand, material-components-web provides pre-styled components following the Material Design guidelines. It uses CSS and SASS for styling and provides a wide range of ready-to-use components.


Material-components-web provides a high level of customization options through theming and SASS variables. Developers can customize the style of components to match their project's branding. @stitches/core also allows for customizing styles, but its focus is more on providing a consistent and scalable styling solution using constraints.


Both libraries can be integrated into React projects. Material-components-web provides components that can be used out of the box, while @stitches/core provides a powerful styling solution that can be used alongside other UI component libraries or existing custom components.

Developer Experience

Material-components-web has comprehensive documentation, multiple examples, and a large community. It provides clear guidelines on usage and customization. @stitches/core also has good documentation and provides a smooth developer experience with its intuitive API. The choice would depend on personal preference and the specific requirements of the project.


Both libraries are performant, but @stitches/core aims to provide a highly optimized styling solution. It has a smaller footprint compared to material-components-web and uses runtime code generation to reduce the size of the generated CSS. Material-components-web, being a more feature-rich library, may have a slightly larger overhead in terms of bundle size and performance when compared to @stitches/core.