Head-to-Head: Stitches vs Bulma Analysis


v1.2.8(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

@stitches/core is a modern CSS-in-JS library that offers a seamless way to style your components using JavaScript. It provides a powerful API for defining styles with a focus on performance and developer experience. Stitches allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript code, enabling better encapsulation and reusability of styles. It also supports theming, responsive design, and server-side rendering.


Tags: css-in-jsstylingjavascriptthemingperformance


v1.0.2(1 day ago)

This package is actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Bulma is a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox that offers a clean and modular design for building responsive web interfaces. It provides a wide range of customizable components and utilities, making it easy to create visually appealing layouts without the need for additional JavaScript. Bulma's documentation is comprehensive and beginner-friendly, offering clear examples and guidelines for implementation.


Tags: cssframeworkflexboxresponsivemodular


CSS-in-JS vs CSS Framework

@stitches/core is a CSS-in-JS library that allows you to write your CSS styles using JavaScript. It provides a powerful and flexible way to create and manage styles within your React components. Bulma, on the other hand, is a popular CSS framework that provides a predefined set of CSS classes and components for building responsive and modern web interfaces. The choice between the two depends on whether you prefer a CSS-in-JS approach or a ready-to-use CSS framework.


@stitches/core is a smaller library as it's focused on providing a low-overhead CSS-in-JS solution. Bulma, being a CSS framework, has a larger file size as it includes a wide range of CSS styles and components. If you're concerned about bundle size, @stitches/core may be a more favorable option.

Customization and Theming

@stitches/core offers extensive customization and theming capabilities. It allows you to define design tokens, create variants, and easily modify styles at both the global and component level. Bulma, while customizable, may require more effort to achieve the same level of customization as @stitches/core. If you have specific design requirements and need deep customization, @stitches/core would be a better fit.

Integration with React Ecosystem

@stitches/core is built specifically for React and integrates seamlessly with React components and workflows. It leverages the power of React's virtual DOM and can be used with tools like React Router, Redux, and other popular React libraries. Bulma, being a CSS framework, can be used with any JavaScript framework or library, including React. However, the level of integration and ease of use may vary compared to using a CSS-in-JS solution like @stitches/core.

Community and Documentation

Bulma has a large and active community with extensive documentation, tutorials, and resources available. It has been around for a longer time and has gained widespread adoption. @stitches/core, while gaining popularity, may have a smaller community and fewer resources, but it has a growing documentation and dedicated support from the maintainers. Consider the community support and available resources when making a decision.