Head-to-Head: Shoelace vs LitElement Analysis


v2.15.1(2 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 8Monthly npm downloads

@shoelace-style/shoelace is a modern and customizable web component library built with Stencil. It offers a collection of UI components like buttons, modals, tabs, and more, designed with a focus on accessibility and performance. Shoelace components are highly customizable through CSS variables, allowing developers to easily match the design system of their projects.


Tags: web-componentsUI-librarycustomizableaccessibilityperformance


v4.0.6(about 2 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 3Monthly npm downloads

LitElement is a simple base class for creating fast, lightweight web components using the latest web platform features. It is built on top of the Lit library and provides a reactive, declarative way to define custom elements with minimal overhead. LitElement leverages modern JavaScript features like template literals and ES modules to offer a clean and efficient component development experience.


Tags: web-componentslit-htmlreactivedeclarativemodern



Both @shoelace-style/shoelace and lit-element are popular packages in the web component ecosystem, but lit-element has gained significant popularity and is widely used in the industry. It has a larger community and more contributors compared to @shoelace-style/shoelace.

Component Library vs Web Component Library

@shoelace-style/shoelace is a comprehensive component library that provides a set of pre-designed UI components. It focuses on creating beautiful and accessible UI components. On the other hand, lit-element is a minimalistic library for building web components and provides the foundation for building custom elements with a reactive programming model.

Component Design and Customization

@shoelace-style/shoelace offers a wide range of customizable UI components with already defined styling based on the Material Design guidelines. It provides a consistent and polished UI out of the box. On the other hand, lit-element gives you complete control over the design and customization of your components, allowing you to style them as per your application's specific requirements.

Developer Experience

Both @shoelace-style/shoelace and lit-element offer a good developer experience, but in different ways. @shoelace-style/shoelace provides a higher-level API and ready-to-use components, which makes it easier to get started quickly. lit-element, on the other hand, requires you to write more code for creating components but provides a lightweight and efficient approach for building web components.

Browser Support

Both packages have good browser support. However, since @shoelace-style/shoelace focuses on modern browsers, it may require polyfills for older browser support. In contrast, lit-element is designed to work with modern browsers natively, providing better performance and compatibility without the need for additional polyfills.

Ecosystem and Integrations

lit-element has a broader ecosystem and integrates well with other libraries and frameworks like Lit HTML, Lit Router, and Redux. It provides a complete solution for building web applications with web components. @shoelace-style/shoelace also has its ecosystem, but it is more centered around the component library itself and may have fewer integrations with other libraries.