Head-to-Head: Peeky vs Tape Analysis


v0.14.1(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 4Monthly npm downloads

@peeky/test is a testing framework for JavaScript and TypeScript projects, designed to provide a simple and intuitive way to write and run tests. It offers features like test grouping, test isolation, and test parallelization to streamline the testing process. With Peeky, developers can easily set up test suites, define test cases, and run tests with detailed reporting and feedback.


Tags: javascripttypescripttestingframeworktest-runner


v5.8.1(about 1 month ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/tapeNumber of direct dependencies: 22Monthly npm downloads

Tape is a minimalistic JavaScript testing framework for Node.js and browsers. It provides a simple and lightweight way to write and run tests, focusing on simplicity and ease of use. With Tape, you can write tests using plain JavaScript functions and assertions, without the need for additional syntax or configuration. It offers a clean and minimalistic approach to testing, making it ideal for small projects or developers who prefer a straightforward testing setup.


Tags: javascripttestingframeworknode.jsbrowser



Tape has been around for longer and has a larger user base compared to @peeky/test. It is a well-established testing library and has been widely adopted in the JavaScript community. @peeky/test, on the other hand, is a relatively newer package and may not have the same level of popularity as Tape.

Features and Functionality

Tape is a minimalistic testing library that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It provides a simple API for writing tests and assertions. @peeky/test, on the other hand, is a more feature-rich testing framework that offers additional functionalities like test coverage, snapshot testing, and built-in support for TypeScript. It also provides a more expressive and declarative syntax for writing tests.

Developer Experience

Tape is known for its simplicity and minimalistic approach, which can be appealing to developers who prefer a lightweight testing solution. It has a small learning curve and is easy to set up and integrate into existing projects. @peeky/test, on the other hand, provides a more opinionated and structured approach to testing, which can be beneficial for larger projects or teams that require more advanced testing features.

Community and Ecosystem

Tape has a large and active community with a wide range of plugins and extensions available. It integrates well with other testing tools and frameworks, making it a versatile choice. @peeky/test, being a newer package, may have a smaller community and ecosystem. However, it is actively maintained and has the potential to grow its community over time.

Documentation and Support

Tape has comprehensive documentation and a well-established support system. It has been around for a long time, so there are plenty of resources and tutorials available. @peeky/test also has good documentation, but being a newer package, it may have fewer community-contributed resources and tutorials.