Head-to-Head: Peeky vs Mocha Cakes 2 Analysis


v0.14.1(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 4Monthly npm downloads

@peeky/test is a testing framework for JavaScript and TypeScript projects, designed to provide a simple and intuitive way to write and run tests. It offers features like test grouping, test isolation, and test parallelization to streamline the testing process. With Peeky, developers can easily set up test suites, define test cases, and run tests with detailed reporting and feedback.


Tags: javascripttypescripttestingframeworktest-runner


v3.3.0(over 6 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

A Mocha BDD integration



Mocha-cakes-2 is a relatively lesser-known testing package compared to the widely-used and popular @peeky/test. @peeky/test has gained popularity in the JavaScript testing community and has a growing user base.

Features and Syntax

@peeky/test is a comprehensive testing framework specifically designed for Vue.js applications. It provides a wide range of features like test runner, assertions, snapshot testing, and Vue-specific utilities. Mocha-cakes-2, on the other hand, follows a BDD-style syntax and provides a different approach to structuring and organizing tests.

Documentation and Community Support

@peeky/test has good documentation and an active community that provides support and regular updates. Mocha-cakes-2, however, has limited documentation and community support, which can make it challenging for developers to find help or resources.


@peeky/test is specifically designed for Vue.js applications and offers seamless integration with Vue components and libraries. It provides features like shallow mounting, Vue Test Utils integration, and Vue-specific syntax. Mocha-cakes-2 has no specific ties to any framework and can be used in a wide range of JavaScript projects.

Development Experience

@peeky/test provides a smooth and intuitive development experience for testing Vue.js applications. It has built-in support for common testing workflows and provides helpful error messages. Mocha-cakes-2 also offers a good development experience with its BDD-style syntax, but it may require a bit more configuration and setup.

Longevity and Maintenance

@peeky/test has shown consistent maintenance and updates since its release, making it a more reliable choice for long-term projects. Mocha-cakes-2, while it may still be actively maintained, has a smaller user base and may have a higher risk of becoming outdated or unsupported in the future.