Head-to-Head: Peeky vs Jest Analysis


v0.14.1(almost 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 4Monthly npm downloads

@peeky/test is a testing framework for JavaScript and TypeScript projects, designed to provide a simple and intuitive way to write and run tests. It offers features like test grouping, test isolation, and test parallelization to streamline the testing process. With Peeky, developers can easily set up test suites, define test cases, and run tests with detailed reporting and feedback.


Tags: javascripttypescripttestingframeworktest-runner


v29.7.0(11 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 4Monthly npm downloads

Jest is a delightful JavaScript testing framework with a focus on simplicity and efficiency. It is widely used for testing JavaScript code, including React applications, Node.js projects, and more. Jest provides a zero-configuration setup, making it easy to get started with testing right away. It offers features like snapshot testing, mocking, and code coverage analysis, ensuring robust and reliable test suites.


Tags: javascripttestingframeworkjestefficiency



Jest is one of the most widely used and popular testing frameworks in the JavaScript community. It has a large user base and a vibrant ecosystem. On the other hand, @peeky/test is a relatively newer and less well-known testing framework, so it may have a smaller community and less widespread adoption.

Features and Functionality

Jest provides a comprehensive set of features for testing JavaScript applications. It includes built-in support for unit testing, mocking, code coverage, and snapshot testing. Jest also has powerful assertion libraries and supports running tests in parallel. @peeky/test also offers a range of functionalities for testing including easy setup and teardown, test grouping, code coverage, and support for different testing libraries such as Vue.js. However, Jest's feature set is more extensive and mature compared to @peeky/test.

Ease of Use

Jest offers a great developer experience with a simple and intuitive API. It has extensive documentation, rich error messages, and a well-designed test runner. Additionally, Jest provides a zero-configuration setup, making it easy to get started with testing. @peeky/test aims to provide a similar level of simplicity and ease of use, but it may require additional configuration for certain setups and lacks the same level of documentation and tooling support as Jest.

Extensibility and Community Ecosystem

Jest has a large and vibrant community with a wide range of plugins and extensions available. This makes it highly extensible and adaptable to different testing scenarios and environments. @peeky/test, being a newer framework, has a smaller community and ecosystem. While it may have some plugins and extensions available, the number and variety of options may be more limited compared to Jest.

Performance and Scalability

Both Jest and @peeky/test are designed to be efficient and scalable. Jest uses parallelization and smart test file selection algorithms to optimize test runs and provide fast feedback. It also supports incremental test runs, which can greatly speed up development workflows. @peeky/test also provides optimizations for running tests, but being a less mature framework, it might not have the same level of performance optimization as Jest.

Compatibility and Integration

Jest is known for its seamless integration with popular libraries and frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Babel. It provides specific APIs and utilities for testing components and applications built with these technologies. @peeky/test is primarily targeted at Vue.js applications, so it offers deeper integration and additional features specific to Vue.js testing. It may not have the same level of integration and compatibility with other frameworks.

Maintenance and Support

Jest is maintained by a dedicated team and has frequent updates, bug fixes, and new features released. It has a strong track record of long-term support and a large user base that helps in identifying and resolving issues. @peeky/test, being a newer framework, may have a smaller maintenance team and less frequent updates.