Head-to-Head: NGXS vs Constate Analysis


v18.0.0(about 2 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@ngxs/store is a state management library for Angular applications that leverages the power of RxJS observables and Angular's change detection. It provides a simple and efficient way to manage the state of your application by using a Redux-inspired pattern with actions, states, and selectors. @ngxs/store offers features like immutability, time-travel debugging, and plugin ecosystem support.


Tags: angularstate-managementrxjsreduxobservables


v3.3.2(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Constate is a lightweight and flexible state management library for React applications. It simplifies the process of managing state in complex React components by providing a simple API to create and consume context-based state. Constate leverages React's Context API to efficiently manage state across components without the need for additional libraries like Redux or MobX.


Tags: reactstate-managementcontext-apilightweight



Both @ngxs/store and constate are popular npm packages in their respective domains. @ngxs/store is a state management library for Angular applications and has gained significant popularity within the Angular community. Constate, on the other hand, is a state management library for React applications and has also gained popularity among React developers.


While @ngxs/store is specifically designed for Angular applications and seamlessly integrates with Angular's ecosystem, constate is designed for React applications and integrates well with React's component-based architecture. Therefore, the choice between the two packages depends on the framework you are using.

State Management Approach

@ngxs/store follows a centralized state management approach inspired by Redux. It provides a single source of truth and enforces a strict unidirectional data flow. On the other hand, constate follows a local state management approach, where each component manages its own state using React hooks. This allows for more granular control over state management within individual components.

Developer Experience

Both packages offer a good developer experience. @ngxs/store provides a well-defined structure for managing state in Angular applications and offers features like actions, selectors, and plugins. Constate leverages React hooks and provides a simple and intuitive API for managing local component state. The choice between the two depends on the developer's familiarity with the respective frameworks and their preferred state management approach.


@ngxs/store is well-suited for large-scale applications with complex state management requirements. It provides features like state composition, middleware support, and time-travel debugging, which make it easier to handle complex state scenarios. Constate, being focused on local component state, is more suitable for smaller-scale applications or components with localized state needs.

Community and Support

@ngxs/store has a large and active community within the Angular ecosystem. It has good documentation, regular updates, and a strong support system. Constate, while not as widely adopted as @ngxs/store, still has a growing community and provides decent documentation and support.