Head-to-Head: NgRx vs react-fetch-hook Analysis


v18.0.1(30 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@ngrx/store is a state management library for Angular applications, inspired by Redux. It provides a centralized store for managing the state of your application and enables predictable state management through a unidirectional data flow. With @ngrx/store, you can define actions, reducers, and selectors to manage and access application state in a structured and efficient way.


Tags: angularstate-managementreduxpredictable-state-managementreactive-programming


v1.9.5(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

React Fetch Hook is a lightweight and easy-to-use library for making HTTP requests in React applications using hooks. It simplifies the process of fetching data from APIs by providing a clean and intuitive API for handling asynchronous data loading. With React Fetch Hook, you can easily perform GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other HTTP requests with minimal boilerplate code.


Tags: reacthttp requestshooksasynchronous data loadingAPI



@ngrx/store is a popular package in the Angular ecosystem, known for its robust state management capabilities. It has a large community and is widely used in Angular projects. On the other hand, react-fetch-hook is a relatively less popular package compared to @ngrx/store, but it provides a simple and convenient way to handle data fetching in React applications.


@ngrx/store is primarily focused on state management and provides a centralized store for managing application state. It follows the Redux pattern and provides actions, reducers, and selectors for managing and accessing state. React-fetch-hook, on the other hand, is specifically designed to handle data fetching in React applications. It provides a custom hook that simplifies handling asynchronous data fetching using the Fetch API or Axios.


@ngrx/store is tightly integrated with Angular and is the recommended state management solution for Angular applications. It seamlessly integrates with other Angular features such as Angular Router, Effects, and DevTools. React-fetch-hook, on the other hand, can be used alongside any React application and is not tied to any specific framework.

Learning Curve

@ngrx/store follows the Redux pattern, which has a certain learning curve associated with it. It requires understanding concepts like actions, reducers, and selectors. React-fetch-hook, on the other hand, has a simpler API and is easier to grasp, especially if you are already familiar with React hooks and data fetching concepts.

Developer Experience

Both packages offer good developer experience. @ngrx/store provides powerful tools like DevTools and integrates well with Angular's ecosystem. It enforces a structured approach to state management and can scale well with complex applications. React-fetch-hook offers a simpler and lightweight solution for data fetching in React. It utilizes React hooks, which are considered a modern and intuitive way to manage stateful logic in React applications.

Community and Support

@ngrx/store has a large and active community of developers and receives regular updates and bug fixes. It has extensive documentation and many online resources available to help developers. React-fetch-hook, while being less popular, still has an active community and is maintained by its author. The level of community and support may not be as extensive as @ngrx/store, but it can still provide the necessary assistance for most use cases.