Head-to-Head: Linaria vs Tachyons Analysis


v6.2.0(3 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@linaria/core is a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library that offers a seamless way to style your components using JavaScript. It allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript files, eliminating the need for a build step or runtime CSS processing. Linaria provides excellent performance by extracting styles at build time and generating minimal CSS output.


Tags: css-in-jsstylingzero-runtimebuild-time-extractionperformance


v4.12.0(over 4 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Tachyons is a functional CSS framework that focuses on creating fast, responsive, and scalable user interfaces. It provides a set of atomic CSS classes that can be easily combined to style elements without writing custom CSS. Tachyons promotes a mobile-first approach and encourages a modular design system, allowing for quick prototyping and consistent styling across projects.


Tags: cssframeworkresponsiveatomic-classesmodular



Tachyons is a widely popular CSS framework that has been around for a while and has a large community following. It is well-known and used in many projects. On the other hand, @linaria/core is a relatively newer package that has gained popularity in recent years, especially in the React ecosystem. While it may not have the same level of popularity as Tachyons, it has a growing community and is gaining recognition for its unique features.

CSS-in-JS vs CSS Framework

The main difference between these two packages is their approach to styling. @linaria/core is a CSS-in-JS solution that allows you to write CSS styles directly in your JavaScript code. It provides a way to generate optimized CSS at build time, resulting in smaller bundle sizes. Tachyons, on the other hand, is a CSS framework that provides a set of pre-defined utility classes that you can use to style your components. It follows a functional CSS approach, where you compose styles using small, single-purpose classes.

Developer Experience

Both packages offer a good developer experience, but in different ways. @linaria/core provides a seamless integration with React and allows you to write styles using familiar CSS syntax. It also offers features like automatic class name generation and dead code elimination. Tachyons, on the other hand, provides a large set of utility classes that can be easily combined to create complex styles. It has a low learning curve and allows for rapid prototyping and easy maintenance.

Customization and Extensibility

When it comes to customization and extensibility, @linaria/core offers more flexibility. You can define your own CSS rules and use JavaScript variables and expressions within your styles. This allows for dynamic and reusable styles. Tachyons, on the other hand, provides a fixed set of utility classes that can be customized using CSS variables. While it offers some level of customization, it may not be as flexible as @linaria/core.

Bundle Size

One of the advantages of using @linaria/core is its ability to generate optimized CSS at build time. This means that only the styles that are actually used in your application will be included in the final bundle, resulting in smaller bundle sizes. Tachyons, being a CSS framework, requires including the entire framework in your bundle, even if you only use a subset of its utility classes. This can result in larger bundle sizes compared to @linaria/core.