Head-to-Head: Linaria vs Fela Analysis


v6.2.0(3 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@linaria/core is a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library that offers a seamless way to style your components using JavaScript. It allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript files, eliminating the need for a build step or runtime CSS processing. Linaria provides excellent performance by extracting styles at build time and generating minimal CSS output.


Tags: css-in-jsstylingzero-runtimebuild-time-extractionperformance


v12.2.1(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 5Monthly npm downloads

Fela is a high-performance, framework-agnostic styling library for React and other JavaScript frameworks. It follows a functional and atomic CSS approach, allowing you to create dynamic and responsive styles using JavaScript objects. Fela's unique feature is its ability to generate atomic CSS classes on the fly, resulting in smaller CSS bundles and improved performance.


Tags: javascriptstylingreactatomic-cssperformance



Fela is a more established library with a larger user base and community support. It has been used in production by several well-known companies and has a longer history of development and usage. On the other hand, @linaria/core is a newer library and may not have the same level of popularity or extensive community support.


Both @linaria/core and Fela focus on performance optimizations. @linaria/core uses a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS approach, which means it compiles styles during build time and does not introduce any additional runtime overhead. Fela, on the other hand, provides a highly performant rendering engine by utilizing techniques like dynamic CSS injection and efficient style caching.

API and Features

Fela offers a comprehensive set of features including theming, plugin system, support for nested styles, and various styling paradigms like CSS-in-JS, Atomic CSS, and more. It provides a flexible and extensible API for creating and managing styles. @linaria/core, on the other hand, focuses on simplicity and aims to provide a minimalistic API. It focuses primarily on CSS-in-JS functionality and does not provide the same level of feature set as Fela.

Integration and Ecosystem

Fela has good integration with popular frameworks like React and Vue.js, and provides official bindings for these frameworks. It also has a rich ecosystem of plugins and tools that can enhance its capabilities. @linaria/core, on the other hand, is specifically tailored for React and offers seamless integration with the React ecosystem. It provides a Babel plugin and supports TypeScript out of the box.

Developer Experience

Both libraries aim to provide a good developer experience. Fela offers a comprehensive set of developer-friendly tools and features like a browser extension, debug mode, and rule-based style composition. It has a well-documented API and a supportive community. @linaria/core, being a more minimalist library, may have a simpler learning curve and a more lightweight setup. It provides a straightforward API that is easy to understand and use.

Maintenance and Community Support

Fela has a dedicated team behind it and has been actively maintained and updated over the years. It has a larger community, which means more resources, documentation, and support. @linaria/core is also actively maintained, but it may not have the same level of community support and resources as Fela due to its relatively newer status.