Head-to-Head: Harlem vs React Query Analysis


v3.1.8(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@harlem/core is a state management library for JavaScript applications, offering a simple and efficient way to manage application state. It provides a centralized store for managing data and state changes, using a reactive approach to update components when the state changes. @harlem/core is lightweight and easy to integrate into projects, offering features like actions, mutations, and getters for manipulating state.


Tags: javascriptstate-managementreactivestoreactions


v3.39.3(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 3Monthly npm downloads

React Query is a powerful and flexible library for managing server state in React applications. It simplifies data fetching, caching, synchronization, and updating, providing a seamless experience for handling asynchronous data in your components. React Query offers features like automatic caching, background data fetching, pagination support, and query invalidation, making it easy to build fast and responsive applications.


Tags: reactstate-managementdata-fetchingcachingasynchronous



React Query is a widely popular library in the React ecosystem, known for its powerful data fetching and caching capabilities. It has gained a significant following and has a large community of users. On the other hand, @harlem/core is a relatively newer library and may not have the same level of popularity and community support as React Query.


React Query focuses on providing a comprehensive solution for data fetching, caching, and synchronization in React applications. It offers features like automatic caching, background data refetching, pagination, and optimistic updates. @harlem/core, on the other hand, is a state management library specifically designed for React applications, providing a simple and intuitive API for managing global state. It does not have built-in data fetching capabilities like React Query.

Integration with React

Both libraries are designed to work seamlessly with React. React Query leverages React's hooks and provides a declarative API for managing asynchronous data. It integrates well with React's component lifecycle and supports server-side rendering. @harlem/core also utilizes React's hooks and provides a familiar React-like API for managing global state. It is designed to be lightweight and has minimal impact on performance.

Developer Experience

React Query has a well-documented API and provides excellent developer experience with features like automatic caching, query invalidation, and error handling. It also has a vibrant community and active maintainers, ensuring timely updates and bug fixes. @harlem/core also has good documentation and offers a straightforward API for managing global state. However, being a newer library, it may have a smaller community and fewer resources compared to React Query.


React Query is designed to handle complex data fetching scenarios and can scale well in large applications. It provides features like pagination, infinite scrolling, and optimistic updates, which are essential for handling large datasets. @harlem/core, being a state management library, is more focused on managing global state within a React application. While it can handle state management in larger applications, it may not have the same level of scalability as React Query for data fetching and caching.