Head-to-Head: Harlem vs Effector Analysis


v3.1.8(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@harlem/core is a state management library for JavaScript applications, offering a simple and efficient way to manage application state. It provides a centralized store for managing data and state changes, using a reactive approach to update components when the state changes. @harlem/core is lightweight and easy to integrate into projects, offering features like actions, mutations, and getters for manipulating state.


Tags: javascriptstate-managementreactivestoreactions


v23.2.2(2 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

Effector is a state management library for JavaScript applications, focusing on predictable state management and efficient event handling. It provides a declarative way to define and update application state, making it easier to manage complex data flows and interactions. Effector offers features like stores, events, effects, and combinators to handle state changes and side effects in a clear and concise manner.


Tags: javascriptstate-managementeventseffectspredictable-state



Effector has gained a lot of popularity in recent years and has a growing community. It is widely adopted and used in production by many developers. On the other hand, @harlem/core is a newer package and has a smaller community compared to Effector.

Use Case

Effector is a full-featured state management library that emphasizes predictable state updates and allows for efficient handling of complex logic flows. It provides advanced features like stores, events, and effects, making it suitable for large-scale applications. @harlem/core, on the other hand, is a lightweight and minimalistic state management library specifically designed for React applications.

API Design

Effector has a more complex and expressive API due to its extensive feature set. It provides powerful abstractions like stores, events, and effects, but this can result in a steeper learning curve. @harlem/core, on the other hand, has a simpler and more intuitive API, focusing primarily on easy state management within React components.

Developer Experience

Effector provides excellent developer experience with strong TypeScript support, good documentation, and active community support. It has well-maintained tools and utilities to enhance the development process. @harlem/core also offers a smooth developer experience with TypeScript support and thorough documentation, although its community and tooling ecosystem are not as mature as Effector's.


Both @harlem/core and Effector are designed with performance in mind. Effector emphasizes performance optimizations through its efficient subscription model and minimized re-renders. @harlem/core also focuses on performance and provides optimized updates for React components. When it comes to performance, it is always recommended to benchmark and test the specific use case to determine the optimal solution.


Effector can be used with various frameworks and libraries beyond React, making it versatile for multi-framework projects. On the other hand, @harlem/core is specifically designed for React and integrates seamlessly with React components, allowing for intuitive state management within the React ecosystem.


Both @harlem/core and Effector are actively maintained by their respective communities. Effector has a larger community and a more established maintenance track record, while @harlem/core is relatively newer and its maintenance depends on the activity of its maintainers and contributors.