Head-to-Head: Harlem vs NGXS Analysis


v3.1.8(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@harlem/core is a state management library for JavaScript applications, offering a simple and efficient way to manage application state. It provides a centralized store for managing data and state changes, using a reactive approach to update components when the state changes. @harlem/core is lightweight and easy to integrate into projects, offering features like actions, mutations, and getters for manipulating state.


Tags: javascriptstate-managementreactivestoreactions


v18.0.0(about 2 months ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@ngxs/store is a state management library for Angular applications that leverages the power of RxJS observables and Angular's change detection. It provides a simple and efficient way to manage the state of your application by using a Redux-inspired pattern with actions, states, and selectors. @ngxs/store offers features like immutability, time-travel debugging, and plugin ecosystem support.


Tags: angularstate-managementrxjsreduxobservables



Both @harlem/core and @ngxs/store are popular state management libraries in the JavaScript ecosystem. However, @ngxs/store has a longer history and a larger user base, making it more widely known and adopted.


@ngxs/store follows a state management pattern called Redux, which uses a central store and immutable data flow. On the other hand, @harlem/core is inspired by Recoil and implements an atom tree structure, allowing for fine-grained state management and localized reactivity.

Integration with Frameworks

@ngxs/store is specifically designed for Angular applications and tightly integrates with Angular's change detection system. It provides decorators, dependency injection, and seamless integration with Angular's component lifecycle. @harlem/core, on the other hand, is framework-agnostic and can be used with any JavaScript framework or library, making it more versatile.

Developer Experience

@ngxs/store provides a more explicit and structured approach to state management, with strong typing and IDE support. It also offers various plugins and devtools for debugging and inspecting the state. @harlem/core focuses on simplicity and minimal configuration, providing a more lightweight and intuitive developer experience.

Ecosystem and Tooling

@ngxs/store has a large ecosystem and community support, with various plugins, integrations, and extensions available. It also supports time-travel debugging and has extensive documentation. @harlem/core is a newer library and has a smaller ecosystem, but it offers modern tooling like TypeScript support and has a growing community.


Both libraries aim for good performance, but @harlem/core emphasizes efficient reactivity and localized state updates. It leverages modern JavaScript features like proxies to achieve optimal performance. @ngxs/store also focuses on performance optimizations and provides features like memoized selectors and change detection strategies for better performance in Angular applications.