Head-to-Head: Geist UI vs react-datetime Analysis


v2.2.5(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@geist-ui/react is a modern and customizable React component library designed for building elegant and responsive user interfaces. It offers a wide range of UI components such as buttons, modals, layouts, and forms, all following a minimalist design approach. The library provides a seamless integration with React applications, allowing developers to quickly create visually appealing interfaces with ease.


Tags: reactcomponent-libraryuser-interfaceresponsive-designcustomizable


v3.2.0(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

React-Datetime is a versatile and user-friendly date and time picker component for React applications. It provides a customizable and interactive interface for selecting dates and times, with support for various date formats, timezones, and localization. React-Datetime offers features like date range selection, disabled dates, and time constraints, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases.


Tags: reactdate-pickertime-pickercomponentuser-interface



@geist-ui/react is a relatively new library in the React ecosystem and may not have gained as much popularity as react-datetime. React-datetime has been around for a longer time and has a more established user base.

Features and Components

@geist-ui/react provides a comprehensive set of UI components and design system integrations, making it suitable for building modern and visually appealing web applications. react-datetime, as the name suggests, specifically focuses on providing date and time picker components.

Customization and Styling

@geist-ui/react offers extensive customization options with its theming support and CSS-in-JS approach using the styled-components library. react-datetime, on the other hand, provides some customization options but may not be as flexible when it comes to customizing the appearance and style of the date and time pickers.

Documentation and Community Support

Both libraries provide documentation, but react-datetime has a more mature and comprehensive documentation, often with examples and usage guides. It also has a larger community around it, which means that finding support or troubleshooting help is relatively easier.


@geist-ui/react has a small number of direct dependencies but relies heavily on CSS-in-JS and styled-components. react-datetime also has a few dependencies but has less reliance on third-party libraries, making it potentially lighter in terms of package size and dependency management.