Head-to-Head: Geist UI vs React Bootstrap Analysis


v2.2.5(over 2 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

@geist-ui/react is a modern and customizable React component library designed for building elegant and responsive user interfaces. It offers a wide range of UI components such as buttons, modals, layouts, and forms, all following a minimalist design approach. The library provides a seamless integration with React applications, allowing developers to quickly create visually appealing interfaces with ease.


Tags: reactcomponent-libraryuser-interfaceresponsive-designcustomizable


v2.10.4(27 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 12Monthly npm downloads

React-Bootstrap is a popular library that combines the power of React components with the styling capabilities of Bootstrap framework. It provides a wide range of pre-built components like buttons, modals, forms, and navigation bars, allowing developers to quickly create responsive and visually appealing user interfaces.


Tags: reactbootstrapuicomponentsresponsive



@geist-ui/react and react-bootstrap are both popular libraries in the React ecosystem, but react-bootstrap has been around for longer and is generally more widely used and recognized in the community.

Design System

@geist-ui/react is a component library specifically designed for the Geist UI, a minimalist and modern design system. It provides a set of beautifully designed components that align with the Geist UI aesthetic. On the other hand, react-bootstrap is a component library that follows the Bootstrap framework, which offers a more traditional and feature-rich design system.


Both libraries offer customization options, but react-bootstrap provides more extensive customization capabilities. It offers a wide range of themes, customizable styles, and the ability to override component behaviors. @geist-ui/react, while still customizable, has a more opinionated design system, which may limit some customization options.

Component Set

React-bootstrap provides a comprehensive set of components that cover various UI elements, including modals, dropdowns, navbars, forms, etc. @geist-ui/react also offers a good range of components, but its component set is more focused and tailored towards the Geist UI design system.

Documentation and Community

React-bootstrap has excellent documentation, including usage examples and detailed explanations of each component. It has a well-established and active community, which provides support and contributes to the library. @geist-ui/react, while having good documentation, may have slightly fewer resources and community support due to its comparably newer release date.

Integration with Other Libraries

Both libraries can be integrated seamlessly with React applications. However, react-bootstrap has a longer history and broader usage, which makes it easier to find resources and examples for integrating with other libraries and frameworks.

Bundle Size

@geist-ui/react tends to have a smaller bundle size compared to react-bootstrap, as it is designed with a more minimalist approach and focuses on providing essential components. If bundle size is a concern for your project, @geist-ui/react might be a more preferable choice.