Head-to-Head: Fluent UI React vs Rebass Analysis


v8.119.3(4 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 14Monthly npm downloads

@fluentui/react is a set of React components that implement Microsoft's Fluent Design System. It provides a collection of customizable and accessible UI components for building web applications with a modern and consistent look and feel. The components are designed to be responsive and work seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.


Tags: reactui-componentsfluent-designresponsiveaccessibility


v4.0.7(over 4 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are provided via a separate npm package: @types/rebassNumber of direct dependencies: 1Monthly npm downloads

Rebass is a lightweight and customizable library of React primitive UI components for building consistent and responsive user interfaces. It provides a set of styled components like buttons, inputs, cards, and layouts that can be easily customized using theme-based styling. Rebass follows the styled-system approach, allowing developers to create design systems with consistent spacing, typography, and color scales.


Tags: reactui-componentsstyled-componentsresponsive-designdesign-system



Both @fluentui/react and Rebass are popular npm packages in the React ecosystem. However, @fluentui/react, which is the official React implementation of Microsoft's Fluent UI design system, has a larger user base and is widely adopted in enterprise-level applications.

Design System Integration

@fluentui/react is specifically designed to integrate with the Fluent UI design system, providing a comprehensive set of pre-built components, themes, and utilities. Rebass, on the other hand, is a more lightweight and flexible UI component library that allows for more customization and doesn't enforce a specific design system.

Component Variety

@fluentui/react offers a wide range of components that cover various use cases, including buttons, inputs, modals, and more. Rebass also provides a good selection of components, but it may not have the same breadth and depth as @fluentui/react.

Styling Approach

In terms of styling, @fluentui/react utilizes CSS-in-JS with a focus on theming and customization. It provides a theming API that allows you to easily customize the appearance of components. Rebass, on the other hand, uses a more traditional approach with inline styles and props-based theming.

Developer Experience

Both packages have good developer experiences, but @fluentui/react provides more extensive documentation, examples, and community support due to its larger user base and official status. Rebass also has decent documentation, but it may require more exploration and experimentation to fully understand its capabilities.

Integration with Other Libraries

Both @fluentui/react and Rebass can be easily integrated with other libraries and frameworks. However, @fluentui/react has better integration with Microsoft's ecosystem, including Microsoft Teams, Office UI Fabric, and SharePoint. Rebass, being a more lightweight library, can be easily integrated into any React project without any specific dependencies.