Head-to-Head: Fluent UI React vs React Helmet Analysis


v8.119.3(4 days ago)

This package is actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 14Monthly npm downloads

@fluentui/react is a set of React components that implement Microsoft's Fluent Design System. It provides a collection of customizable and accessible UI components for building web applications with a modern and consistent look and feel. The components are designed to be responsive and work seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.


Tags: reactui-componentsfluent-designresponsiveaccessibility


v6.1.0(about 4 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 4Monthly npm downloads

React Helmet is a popular library for managing the document head of React applications. It allows developers to dynamically set meta tags, title, links, scripts, and other elements in the document head based on the current state of the application. This is particularly useful for improving SEO by ensuring proper metadata for search engines and social media platforms.


Tags: reactdocument-headmeta-tagsSEOdynamic



@fluentui/react is a popular package developed by Microsoft and widely used in the React community. It has a large user base and active community support. react-helmet is also a popular package but is more focused on a specific functionality and has a smaller user base compared to @fluentui/react.


@fluentui/react provides a comprehensive set of UI components and controls following the Fluent Design System. It offers a wide range of components like buttons, menus, dialogs, and more, making it suitable for building complex UIs. react-helmet, on the other hand, is a package specifically designed for managing document head tags in a React application. It allows you to dynamically update the head tags and provide metadata for search engines and social media sharing.


@fluentui/react is designed for use with React and provides seamless integration with React applications. It follows React best practices and provides powerful customization options. react-helmet, on the other hand, can be used with any React project as it works by manipulating the HTML head element, making it compatible with various React setups and frameworks.

Developer Experience

@fluentui/react provides a well-documented API, with consistent naming conventions and clear examples. It also offers extensive theming and styling capabilities, making it easy to customize the UI components. react-helmet also has good documentation and is straightforward to use. It provides a declarative API for updating the document head, simplifying the management of meta tags and SEO-related information.

Community and Maintenance

@fluentui/react has a large and active community of developers and is backed by Microsoft, ensuring ongoing maintenance and updates. It has regular releases and receives bug fixes and new features. react-helmet also has an active community, but it may not receive updates as frequently as @fluentui/react since it focuses on a more specific functionality.